Christmas does not mean making cribs and putting statues in it or lighting a 
christmas star or having santa claus. Christmas reminds us of one thing. It is 
a great event in the life of everyone where God himself becomes man and gets 
into the womb of an ordinary human Mary. It teaches us simplicity,. Our 
religion is based on love. Love God, love every human beings. Today God wants 
to enter the hearts of human beings. It is dirty. worse than the stable when 
Jesus was born. Today most of our hearts are filled with greed, envy, pride, 
and anger. Today human beings think only of money, and status. We have 
forgotten about our own children and the ability to bring human beings on earth 
that is the biggest gift God has given human beings. We do not mind having 
dozen expensive dogs, and cats and other animals who are draining the money 
from our treasury but we will not bring just one living being into this world. 
Our big houses are invaded by rats, and mosquittos because human beings are not 
given the choice. We human beings have failed to understand that those whom we 
have brought into this world have a right to live and be happy. Your children 
want love. Parents have no time to love and understand their children. What is 
this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare etc etc I hope I 
have written it correctly. Human beings are suffering from ego problem. Their 
nose is in the air and feet in the muck. This is the reason many goans have 
sold their big portuguese houses and properties and have gone in search of 
status. Many of them are struggling and are making money washing dishes and 
cars which normally they would need a hand if they were in India. Some of them 
are  serving the whites and brown drinks and cleaning their tables. No body 
likes to reveal the reality. God the extreme source of power, wealth etc has 
forgotten about His ego, status, and have become a man called Jesus who had no 
place to be born, no place to rest his head and not proper place to die . God 
did not mind all these because God loves human beings. God draws up a plan for 
human beings but it is human beings that do not know to read and interpret 
God's plan what a pity and then comes frustration.                              

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