i happened on a news item on  CNN  this  morning  where this  german  news  
agency  has highlighted  an  american related  electronic spying  and  data  
collection  agency  base  in  San Antonio,Texas acting as  an  adjunct to  the  
main  National Security Agency (NSA) .
   It has  been  infiltrating the  computers of ordinary  folk  ........be  
they  housewives  or everyday  folk  who browse the  news........by  sending  a 
 spurious  message,  while  pretending to  be   a  branch  of  Microsoft 
Windows  or  related similar  systems........you  will  remember  the  
embarrasment  of  the  american  NSA  wnen the  renegade   contractor  Ed. 
Snowdden   revealed  the  extent  of  NSA  snooping  on  local  folk.  To  
avoid  retribution  he is  now  sheltering  in   Russia.
  By  placing  a  bug-virus  in the  warning  message  they  can  take  control 
 of  your  computer ( including  your  address book )  for   ends  of  their  
own !
           If  we  thought  that the colonialist  nations  controlled their  
domains  in  the  first  half  of the  20th  century  economically,  and  
stifling  any thoughts  of  independence..........this  is  a new  form  of  
control  by   " Big Brother ".........reaching  into  your  very  home  and  

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