The old guard will not understand. The change is too fast and it better be!
The world around us is moving at warp speed and drastic CHANGE (always
resisted) is the need of the hour! AAP is more a movement than a party that
will learn fast as it tries to stick to its local manifesto and work on the
national one. Even the BJP is talking of abolishing Income Tax! Modi has
promised Ramdev to consider abolition of taxes to get Ramdevs considerable
folowers to vote for him. Nitin Gadakari has a team working on it although
they vehemently resisted GST ! I would help the AAP movement to turn into a
gale force to sweep away Netagiri, Chamchagiri, Dadagiri and replace it
with Aamadmigiri!

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 7:34 AM, Stephen Dias <> wrote:

> Dear Friend/s
> I am rather skeptical of all the things going on in different outfits
> in Goa, and now a new outfit AAP has come into existence with great
> alarm and fervor. So far nobody knows in Goa what they are upto the
> game. In the first week of December 2013, there was a meeting at
> Piedade Institute organised by ---?---- I do not know his name? with
> few elements of good writers of Goa and NGO's have also attended. By
> luck I was invited by Dr. Joe D'Sousa alongwith Mrs Judith and I
> happened to attend the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Yogesh?
> from AAP left hand men of Kejriwal. After the meeting there were many
> reporters from the press and TV and finally the meeting ended with no
> much funfare?.
>  No reporting was done in the next few days by anybody , probably as
> no refreshment was given in the meeting it appears to me.  This is the
> story of my visit which had no final outcome.
> We got to see that the broom is well sweeped of all this garbage of
> politicians in Goa. I am glad one thing is being adopted by AAP, that
> No Lal Batti, No Siren , No CM bungalow, No grand accommodation for
> AAP ministers, Transport at low key, good accountability, no
> corruption  etec etec which is the order of the day. . If these things
> continue to be kept in full force by AAP than this party should
> prosper.
> Already the list is supposed to increase in Goa for subscription etc,
> and already Dr. Oscar and Remo Fernandes has shown the door to Goans
> that AAP is the best party. It is good if things goes well otherwise,
> as Aires feels that it may boomerang to all those who have registered
> to AAP. We should give them support because they have started well,
> forget about its consequences, we can always come out from it. Anyway
> Congress and BJP is already or almost gone  to DOGS.
> Stephen Dias
> On 6 January 2014 05:40, Aires Rodrigues <>
> wrote:
> > The concern regarding the credentials and genuineness of the Aam Aadmi
> > Party (APP) is on account of it being strategically steered and geared by
> > some Hindu extremist *Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh* (*RSS*) pracharaks. We
> > are witnessing it in Goa too. Understandably perception is growing of it
> > being the undercover incognito B team of the BJP with some naïve altar
> boys
> > drafted in the usual saffron shrewd style to split the anti-BJP secular
> > votes. The background and also lineage of some of the members of this
> > outfit will expose the true colours of these power-thirsty hounds.
> >
> > Today, politics which was meant to be a mission is sadly no longer a
> > straight forward sincere game. It has become a business venture paying
> very
> > high dividends. Despite the Election Commission’s all out efforts, the
> > political chess board has become as curved, curled and crooked as it can
> > get. The common man should therefore be very cautious and vigilant. Look
> > beyond the curtains and read between the lines while sniffing the
> political
> > broth that is cooking.
> >
> > In Goa, we have witnessed some of our MLA’s and MPs of the 60’s and the
> > 70’s languish and die as paupers. Over the last three decades however,
> > their breed across party lines has morphed from rags to riches. While the
> > politicians have just got richer and richer, the common man has been
> > mercilessly short changed having to bear the brunt of high inflation,
> > rampant corruption and ever escalating cost of living.
> >
> > Anna Hazare wears the Gandhi cap at all times. In contrast some of these
> > AAP decoys seem to be wearing it only to draw public glare. We even see
> > Arvind Kejriwal now wearing that cap less frequently. Is it because they
> > are indeed more comfortable with the saffron scarf? With the very crucial
> > Lok Sabha elections just round the corner the hidden agenda will soon be
> > all out in the open. While the broom may sweep out some of the old
> timers,
> > the other end may soon be used to whip the common man.
> > Aires Rodrigues
> > T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
> > Ribandar - Goa - 403006
> > Mobile: 9822684372

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