I suddenly find new names on this forum who have advocated Father of
Democracy award in the name of Roque Santana Fernandes.
First and foremost, I am bit wary if "they" are one person. Goanet must ask
the person/s for personal identification or references from reliable
people. At least I saw these names first time and they are advocating the
same agenda.
Roque Santana was, by and large, a freedom fighter of a tougher framed of
mind. His supporters want to honour him on the 50 years of the Legislative
assembly. Care to know how he behaved in the Assembly? Were acts
"democratic" to say the least?
I have nothing against Roque and I knew him well. But that aside, let the
political scientists in Goa say something about this issue. It's better to
put the whole issue in perspective instead of a section or some people
(maybe one?) making such a suggestion.
I think the title Father of Goan democracy is a "misnomer".

Eugene Correia

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