Do not accept the Khalil renunciation.
    India now enforces piracy regulations: using an Indian
    front name for 'author' circumvents the law.
        Khalil used Bharad. His silence speaks volumes.  eric

On Thursday, January 9, 2014 8:26 PM, augusto pinto <> wrote:
Alfred Chacha

One of the sidelights of the GBC meet on translation was the appearance of
the veteran Goan journalist Alfred de Tavares, with whom Prof Afonso in
particular was delighted to renew acquaintance. He reminsced with Alfred
Chacha, as he is fondly called online, about the All Fools Club which they
had formed when they were students. Alfred was here on holiday from Sweden,
with his daughter or was it granddaughter?

The Case of the Plagiarised Self-Improvement Books

I chatted with Khalil Mohammed of Broadway Book House about the case of the
plagiarised self-improvement books and its author. He was quite put out
with this case. He fumed:"You don't know what a loss I suffered. I went and
shredded all those books. That person tried to give some excuse that it was
a mistake... He is a Ph.D... How could he not have known..."

I think Khalil will be a bit more careful now about which books he accepts
to publish.

Shell Windows

One of the best books that Broadway Book House has published along with
Fundacao Oriente is a collection of short stories called Shell Windows. It
is consists of the best short stories from a short story competition
conducted by FO in 2011.

It consists of 22 short stories. Among the writers featured are Manohar
Shetty, Ahmed Bungalowalla, Aldina Braganza e Gomes, Prashanti Talpankar,
Belinda Viegas, Marilia Fernades, Ramnath Gaude, Cordelia Francis, Bevinda
Collaco, Sheela Jaywant and Fatima Noronha. Many of them are Goa Book Club
members. Congratulations to all.



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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