Once, in Alto Porvorim we ran into Roque Santan and co who were having
lunch at O coquerio, my husband introduced us to him, he was very affable
personality . My husband who was working on the construction phase of new
Legislative Assembly complex  that time invited him to the site, once in
there he was a person who use to inquire in details, really true to his
title ‘father of Goan Democracy, he was impressed to see river Mandovi just
down the slope  bellow  and stretching his neck to find locate the old
Secretariat across he said that he would prefer to get on a boat to come
here from the other side as according to him  bridges were  not reliable,
he was hinting to the collapsed Mandovi  bridge and the failure of the
legislature to frame rules to halt corruption in construction industry gone
out of hand. So to say things are still collapsing in Goa,  ‘Canacona
Chaudi Building collapse’. …What a shame our legislature didn’t learn
anything from the collapsed Mandovi bridge.

Message: 7
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 09:00:01 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeffery S. Nunes" <jefferys.nu...@yahoo.com>
To: "goa...@goanet.org" <goa...@goanet.org>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] ' father of Goan democracy '
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Keep it up??research students and historians,
you?ll are doing good,??give
Goans more of this topic. We need it ?Its all going good.
My friends ? I am a catholic and
according to??my
religion??Jesus son of God,
all powerful was rejected by his own people. His seniors were so jealous of
claims, teachings and his miracles they got him killed. If it happened to
Jesus, what is Roque Santana,
Today ? See the trick they play,
they say Roque Santana was a good person period but if we write of his
work they get jealous and wish to dethrone him. They are not fools they are
over come by jealousy so they pass judgments in a hurry.
I my self as a research student in
Panjim, Goa in 2005 once??I
was taking help of an elderly man who knew Portuguese, to my surprise this
man removed a whole page of archive document and forced it in his pocket, I
reported this unbecoming to the supervisor right away who confronted him
and we
forcefully removed the page from his pocket. Be aware of this type of
people who
wish to wipe history. Translating Portuguese documents is a very hard
task??for us today one such
document says Nehru PM?s residence as Anand Bhawan instead of Teen Murti
I was able to recognized this mistake as I have been to New Delhi.
Slip of??tongue is not a mistake, try to do
good proofreading and do not rely on the computers for spell checks be
when you copy and paste, do not edit in a hurry, I am telling you from my
experience ? not a big thing though. Give Goans more of this topic. Its all
going good.
Now about ?12th century
?Kadamba Jayakesi I??Southern
capital headquarters and administrative center, Velliapura in present day
Velim,?South Goa.
We get very little information
about Velliapura from the writings of George M. Moraes in Kadamba Kula, the
history of Ancient and Mediaeval Karnataka. There is lot of information
translated by Kannada language experts??from
ancient stone inscriptions??on
Velliapura of which they themselves don?t know the whereabouts of this
??as this place being under Portuguese is almost foreign to them.
This place is very well known to small number of members of the ? Deccan
Kadamba Coterie ? who visit Velim every year as pilgrim and link Roque
as the descendant of Hangal section of Kadamba's so i was in search of this
link, I first visited Velim site in Sept of 2006, the compound gates were
secured when I inquired with the neighbours??they directed me to a man who
looking after the house, he gave me the email address of Roque Santana (
roquesan...@legislator.com). I had
written to Mr.RoqueSantana seeking an appointment at this site in Velim to
which he replied to me that at that time he was in?USA?and he will get back
to me when he returns
to Velim, It was very sad to read the news from the news papers of his
demise. I wrote to his daughter Maria Suhashini once in London she gave me
London based house address of Venkatesh Upadhiaya who was member of the
he never replied to me,?I wrote to one of his son's too in USA but no
reply. People in Velim had told me that the road side direction stone went
missing or destroyed in late 60?s and were never replaced by the
survey of India,

A Velliapura??viragal found at Raia, South Goa in
1920?s tell that Jayakesi I in ?a battle?with?his rival to
retain won a decisive victory in Velliapura which was his southern capital,
three horse stables and few officials residences were destroyed in the
according to the Kannada version the days following the victory the wife?s
the commanding officers or soldiers celebrated in the royal compound by
lighting and floating ?ponti? in the royal pond ?Toloai? in front of the
capital building. I came across a old Portuguese record that in 1922??a
complaint was filed with
the?Portuguese ?Regdor? by the ancestors of Roque Santana following the
excavation of that toloai therefore I wanted some news from his side.
Jayakesi I son of Shashtha-Deva was
a very powerful ruler, 12 century copper carvings tell us that princes and
lords from neighbouring kingdoms traveled in to?Chandrapur present day
Chandor to?pay homage to Jayakesi who was the Sovereign of Konkan.?
research students and historians
use this write up for your research
and help me to connect the dots.

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