Wasn't Roque Santana part of Azad Gomantak Dal, world's first terror group?


On Thursday, 9 January 2014, 23:20, Jose Colaco <cola...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Jan 8, 2014, at 5:25 PM, Siyona G Gaunkar <siy...@ymail.com> wrote

"I am working on avery old  research paper form Goa archive  that says that 
soon after liberation Roque Santana wanted to do away with the ‘zoan’ enjoyed 
by the  settlers from Carambolim, further this article says that this settlers 
never voted Roque Santana"


1: as one who has never personally collected or benefitted from this thing 
called Zonn (royalty on Carambolim commune property which pre-dates the arrival 
of the Portuguese in Goa but which was allegedly 'taken over' by the Portuguese 
apparently to act as a granary for Goa)

2: as one who opposes the entitlement culture and believes that the Zonn is a 
form of entitlement.

3: as one who believes that Zonn and all other entitlements are actually 
deterrents to personal self-development and education.

4: as one who believes that one should only gain financially from what one pays 
into or invests in.

5: and While I am not one to attend loud (and basically useless ) public 
meetings, morchas etc

6: and While I understand that my position might not take into account the 
contractual terms that might be involved in the Zonn

I believe I can perfectly well take a decision as an individual and stand on 
the side of anyone who opposed and opposes the Zonn. 

Now, this might upset some of my folks (as in the past) ....... and So be it. 

It is also my belief that Had the Carambolim settlers of Velim expended as much 
energy in hard work, academics and education as they did/do in the politics of 
Zonn, there would have been many more distinguished scientists, physicians, 
lawyers, educators and other professionals from Velim than there presently are. 
And trust me, there are quite a number. Never mind what Nehru is reported to 
have called us but it is not all 'Cooks and Butlers' in Velim (or Goa for that 
matter). Not that being a cook or butler is worth any less than any other 

Re: 'settlers never voted Roque Santana'

I can only speak for myself.  I have never voted for Roque Santana.  Also, I 
have never voted for any other politician or in any political election anywhere 
at any time. I just have not been able to trust politicians enough to bring 
myself to vote for them. It also happens that I left Goa (for good) soon after 
reaching voting age.

I cannot, with any form of reliability, comment on the secret ballots cast by 
others. Others might have this insight or knowledge. I certainly do not. I also 
lack the powers attributed to Caju Feni which I positively hate.

Re: the holding of 'Land' (ie. property)

Land Law cases will likely teach us that land and other pretentious 
acquisitions will only bring bring eventual 'panvati' to the family. Perhaps 
because of this and the influence  of the Jesuits esp. my late uncle (by 
marriage) Tio Armando aka Swami Animananda SJ (Time Magazine Apr 23, 1973) my 
unitary family continues to live a very simple life in a small 2 bedroom flat. 
(Those who have visited me will attest to that). That is the only property we 
hold. Nada Mas. We have invested in our children's education and pray that they 
too focus on what is fair, meaningful and productive.

Re: Carabolim, SFX, Catholicism and the Portuguese.

I am grateful to be a descendant of Carambolim. I am also grateful to be a 
descendant of the first set of new Roman Catholics on the subcontinent. Just 
that you know, I oppose circumcision in little children unless it is surgically 
really warranted. Thank you Adm. Timoja and Thank you Portugal. But for your 
timely intervention, a whole pile of folks would continued to have their 'tips' 
excised.....and the rest of the other stuff. (No Thanks, however, for the 

Above all, Thank You SFX for bringing Roman Catholicism to Goa and Jesuit 
Education esp to the 'outcastes' of the subcontinent......esp the Fishery Coast.

Re The State's duty to protect its citizens / residents

As I have said on numerous occasions before, I abhor violence....esp if it is 
directed against innocent civilians who are going about their daily lives. It 
is also my belief that Violence (exc in self defence) only provokes more 
Violence. And while some might prosper in the short term, a greater number 
eventually suffer. The increasing violence in the world has certainly caught my 
attention, hopefully yours too.

Besides, there is nothing which cannot be resolved (albeit gradually) by 
peaceful methods. Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela are 
near-time testaments to that.

Re: research papers.

That is an excellent idea. I know that you will research widely and with an 
open et analytical mind. As it is a literary paper and not a scientific one, 
you are unlikely to be burdened by statistics and statistical methods to remove 
bias. But surely, you will search and cross search the references of your 
references and submit the final product for an M. Phil or Ph.D at a good 
university like Goa. Univ. 

I will not repeat/change any points made in my previous post on this subject 
(the one to which you posted your response)

I am happy to have had this opportunity to expand on my views with you. I do 
not have to be right and I am willing to learn. For that to happen, I, like, 
St. Thomas (the Apostle) will wish to see to believe. 

I am almost certain that your research (and research methods) will be of the 
standard which will make everybody stand up and take notice. I am also sure you 
know the worth of papers based on uncorroborated 'anecdotes'.

So, all the very best in your research endeavour.

ps: pl excuse any typos. This is scripted at one go.

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