The projection of Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar as a Simple Simon is
fallacious and far from reality. When he assumed power on March 9th 2012 he
had vowed to move around like an Aam Aadmi and that he would never use
police security. However he soon started using two police escort jeeps and
his official and private residences now well guarded at the cost of the tax
payer.  Manohar Parrikar had promised good governance by way of total
transparency but has done everything possible to scuttle the RTI Act and
even appointed a Yes Man Lokayukta in a very dubious manner, who soon

In a cleverly orchestrated silent operation Manohar Parrikar has appointed
his family and friends in all strategic positions. He should make public
the assets acquired by him and his immediate family over the last 22 months
while he has been the Chief Minister of Goa. He needs to explain as to why
he has after coming to power fallen in love with the Casinos, mining and
the builder lobby. The recent wedding of his younger son for which grand
multiple receptions were held does not sound to be something of a simple
man. That the official machinery was grossly misused for those occasions is
another issue. The days of ancient Rajas have not yet died.

Manohar Parrikar had promised Zero tolerance to Corruption. But in reality
only the agents, brokers and beneficiaries of corruption have changed.
Without money being pumped in he would not have been able to host the
recent multi crore very extravagant ‘Vijay Sankalp” rally.

On all the U turns made by Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar less said the
better. He cannot stand criticism and does not believe in democratic
values. This and his puffed up arrogance leaves much to be desired. That is
the reason he has gone all out to silence the very vocal and his very own
BJP MLA Vishnu Wagh on whom that 19th December gruesome attack was
masterminded by the Chief Minister himself. But the wounded tiger is well
on the prowl.

Manohar Parrikar make attempt to make people feel that he lives a simple
life but that is very deceiving as we all know by now the real Manohar
Parrikar. Pillion riding with Caitu on a two-wheeler and his other
despicable stunts are for cheap publicity which the Chief Minister has now
become obsessed with. His Ministers and MLAs privately disclose the
autocratic and dictatorial functioning of the Chief Minister.

Even the North Goa MP Sripad Naik must have himself seen how he has been
humiliated and side-lined for being from the Bahujan Samaj. But he dare not
speak, lest the blue-eyed boy of Narendra Modi may knock him off.

After having miserably failed on all counts as Chief Minister of Goa one
wonders how on earth the cronies and sycophants around Manohar Parrikar
even have the audacity to think of his name as a suitable person to be the
Prime Minister of India. And a Simple Simon does not pop out all the way to
Pattaya in Bangkok for a Thai massage and that too accompanied by Goa’s
legal eagle.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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