----- Original Message ----- 
From: jl...@rogers.com
To: goans_tanzan...@yahoogroups.com
CC: dias_an...@hotmail.com
Subject: re : Possibly you could help locate relatives of a couple of 
ex-students of St. Joseph`s/ Forodhani Sec. School.
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 14:49:42 -0500

  A  former  student of  mine is  seeking  information  about the  whereabouts 
of   relatives of 2 deceased classmates  of  the  Class of1971.

                1. Feliciana  Candida Fernandes who passed  away  on  28 
November 1996.
                 2.Francis Fernandes
   By  1968 St. Joseph`s Sec. School  ( Dar ) had been  re-named  Forodhani 
Sec. School and the   abovementioned  were students
  If  you  have  any  information  about  relatives of the   2  
students..........you  could  help  by contacting Anita Dias  
                                       Thank  you!

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