
I also noted that Goans are considered as Anglo-Indians in this piece :-)

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या
* فريدريك نورونيا <fredericknoron...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Bigamy, the Raj and the scandal buried in Sir Cliff Richard's past
> By Alison Boshoff
> UPDATED: 08:39 GMT, 1 November 2011
> Sir Cliff Richard is famous for many things apart from his singing --
> his almost preternatural youthfulness, his Christian faith and, of
> course, his failure ever to marry.
> So it was rather a surprise when, in a recent interview with BBC Radio
> 4's Woman's Hour, the 71-year-old bachelor boy became involved in a
> discussion about bigamy.
> Sir Cliff announced -- quite out of the blue -- that his grandfather
> was a bigamist.
> Serenading his mother in 1960: Sir Cliff said he had never met any of
> his grandfather's other family after he revealed that his grandmother
> assumed her husband was killed in the war while he set up a new home
> in Coventry
> 'His wife, my mother's mother, thought he was killed in the war. It
> turns out that he left her and let everyone assume he was dead, and
> set up a new home in Coventry.'
> He added that he had never met any of this other family, only saying
> coyly: 'It's in my book.'
> But careful examination of Sir Cliff's substantial 2008 tome My Life,
> My Way reveals no information at all about a bigamist grandfather, or
> the family he went on to have.
> Instead, he fills 308 pages with a long and detailed celebration of
> his professional life and good works, but little about his personal
> and family life -- and certainly no bigamous skeletons.
> In fact, Sir Cliff has never before acknowledged such an intriguing
> element in his background -- which is probably why, as I discovered
> this week, many members of his 'other' family have died with no idea
> they were related to him.
> Even those still alive, and who know the truth, have never met him,
> although research showed he has numerous 'half-cousins' living in
> Britain, should he ever wish to find them.
> Young ones: Sir Cliff's grandad William, aged 44.
> Sir Cliff has never before acknowledged an intriguing element in his
> background -- which is probably why many members of his 'other' family
> have died with no idea they were related to him
> There are some other surprises in Cliff's family tree, too. For
> although he briskly told Woman's Hour that his mother was 'not
> Anglo-Indian' -- as has been suggested in the past -- and that he had
> instead an 'Anglo-Indian stepfather', it turns out that he does indeed
> have Anglo-Indian blood.
> The connection comes through his great-great grandmother, Emeline
> Josephine Rebeiro, the daughter of an Indian man from Goa, Vitriaus
> Rebeiro.
> One of Cliff's long-established full cousins from his mother's side of
> the family, Garth Gregory, tells me: 'My mother was Cliff's aunt. They
> were sisters -- my mother Olive and his mum Dorothy. And it is well
> known in the family that there was Indian blood.'
> Indeed, pictures of Cliff's mother Dorothy reveal a raving beauty in
> the mould of the late Anglo-Indian actress, Merle Oberon.
> So what is the truth about Sir Cliff's fractured family?
> He was born Harry Rodger Webb in Howrah, outside Calcutta, in 1940.
> His father, Rodger Webb, was a manager for a catering company and his
> mother, Dorothy Dazely, was a British woman who had been born in India
> to a military family.
> They came to England in 1948, joining thousands of British descent who
> left when India gained its independence. The family were 'destitute'
> at first; Rodger Webb had only £5 in his pocket. Cliff and his
> sisters, Donna,
> Jacqui and Joan, lived in a single room in Hertfordshire while their
> father sought work.
> 'Ours was the kind of hardship that either draws people more closely
> together, or splits them apart completely,' Cliff said.
> Cliff's Aunt Olive also emigrated from India and lived in Manchester
> and then in Essex. Olive's son, Cliff's cousin Garth, tells me that he
> saw the singer a few times in the early days, and remembers the star
> buying him a bicycle for Christmas, but then they lost touch.
> 'He is the star of the family, isn't he?' says Garth. 'I don't think
> my children have even met him. He's not in this country all that much
> -- I don't think he's interested in his wider family.'
> Perhaps he should be, though, for it's quite a family tree. The key
> figure in the story is Cliff's maternal grandfather, William Edward
> Dazely. He was born in 1896 in Bombay to Edward Dazely, a driver with
> the 27th Battery Field Royal Artillery, and his wife, Daisy.
> Anglo-Indian blood: his great-great grandmother, Emeline Josephine
> Rebeiro, was the daughter of an Indian man from Goa, Vitriaus Rebeiro
> William, a serviceman, married a railway guard's daughter, Dorothy, in
> 1919 in Madras. There were two daughters: Cliff's mother, Dorothy, and
> her younger sister, Olive.
> At some point in the 1920s, William went to serve with the British
> Indian Army in its campaign against Afghan forces -- and was never
> seen again by his family. But ten years after that first marriage,
> William married again, this time in Karachi.
> He stated that he was a widower -- a downright lie -- and serving as a
> sergeant in the police.
> His bride was one Maizie Sherard. But there had been no annulment or
> divorce to end his first marriage.
> Not only did William bigamously re-marry, so, too, did Cliff's
> grandmother -- albeit probably unintentionally.
> She went on to have a further seven children with her second husband,
> Richard Dickson, a chief inspector with the East Indian Railway.
> Cousin Garth explains: 'William Dazely went missing in action and was
> presumed dead -- that is what the family were told.
> 'After being missing for seven years, the marriage can be annulled and
> perhaps Dorothy believed this happens automatically. The problem is
> that there is no paperwork to show that the annulment ever took place,
> so there seem to be bigamous marriages for them both.
> 'He is probably a lovely, lovely person, but I have never been much of
> a fan -- I've always preferred Elvis.' - Joan Dazely, the widow of
> Cliff's Uncle Jim
> 'It may be that William felt he was a free agent after seven years of
> separation -- you have to remember that this was colonial India.
> And obviously Dorothy thought she was widowed.' What's beyond dispute
> is that William Dazely and his bigamous bride Maizie moved to
> Birmingham.
> He worked for car giant Rover and Maizie bore him five sons, who are
> all Cliff's uncles -- though they have never met him.
> Only one is still alive -- 91-year-old William, who lives in
> Birmingham. His brothers, Derrick, Jim and Peter, have all died, and a
> further brother, Collin, moved to Canada as a young man, and is also
> now believed to be dead.
> It seems certain that Cliff's grandfather William Dazely, who died of
> coronary thrombosis in 1969, never suspected that the star -- by then
> famous for a decade -- was his long-lost grandson.
> Not only that, it seems that Cliff's uncles were in the dark, too.
> The family secret first surfaced in a 1993 biography of Cliff by music
> journalist Steve Turner, who discovered the bigamous marriage.
> According to family members, he didn't manage to trace all five
> brothers or tell the entire story -- which is why the news took years
> to spread to some of Cliff's uncles.
> Joan Dazely, the widow of Cliff's Uncle Jim, says: 'We didn't know
> anything about Jim's relations to Cliff Richard until after Jim died
> in 1999. Jim simply had no idea he had such a famous nephew.'
> Young ones: Cliff Richard aged 15 months, and ( right) giving his
> sister Donella, away at her wedding, August 1961
> It was only after she was able to make contact with Derrick's widow
> that Joan, 70, found out about the link to Cliff. She says: 'I was
> shocked and surprised.
> Many people would find having a relation like that exciting, but to us
> it was about what Jim's dad William had done to his poor first wife.
> 'It was the scandal of the family.
> We couldn't be happy about it knowing this woman was abandoned.
> 'I'm sure if you asked Cliff if he would like to meet us he would
> probably say "not really" and I feel the same.
> He is probably a lovely, lovely person, but I have never been much of
> a fan -- I've always preferred Elvis.'
> But she adds: 'Jim and Cliff were very much alike. They had similar
> features. You can tell they are family.'
> The widow of Cliff's youngest uncle, Peter, who died in 2006, says
> that towards the end of his life he did know that he was related to
> Cliff, but had never taken it further.
> Peter's widow, Sheryl, who lives in Neath, South Wales, says: 'Peter
> told me that he found out his father was married previously and had
> two daughters -- one was Cliff Richard's mother. It is sad they never
> met, but Sir Cliff is a celebrity and probably busy with that side of
> his life.'
> Sheryl, 46, who has four children, said: 'Peter would say that his
> father William was very strict, but he didn't want to talk about his
> childhood much.'
> Cliff's cousin Garth says he regrets that he found out about Cliff's
> 'other' family too late to tell his mother, Olive, who died in 1995.
> Cliff's mother Dorothy, too -- who died in 2007, a decade after being
> diagnosed with Alzheimer's -- was also apparently never aware of the
> rather tangled love stories of her parents.
> Given what had gone before, then, it is fair to say that Sir Cliff's
> long-standing aversion to matrimony is not inherited.
> --
> Read more:
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2055932/Bigamy-Raj-scandal-buried-Cliffs-past.html#ixzz2rOsppOsa
> Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
> Thanks to Menin Rodrigues of Karachi, whose Facebook page pointed me
> to this link
> https://www.facebook.com/menin.rodrigues
> --
> FN Phone +91-832-2409490 Mobile +91-9822122436
> Blog: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

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         “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we
used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein
  • ... Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
    • ... Albertina Almeida
      • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

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