On Jan 24, 2014, at 11:17 PM, "Rajan P. Parrikar" <parri...@yahoo.com> wrote:

"Instead of heaping abuse on Kejriwal, Manohar and his boys (& girls) should 
introspect and correct course. Look at yourself in the mirror, Manohar-bab, and 
see what you have become."


From my reading, very few politicians have ever introspected and corrected 

One can only shake one's head when one reviews history. The same set of 
mistakes keep being repeated. The net result is almost invariably the same. The 
place and the people suffer.

Not sure IF it is because the sycophants and other hangers-on make them (the 
politicians) feel invincible, the power drives them mad or it is the 'power 
brokers' who are the real controllers. 

BTW: Did you expect anything different? When our Oxfordian 'friend' would 
telephone and make  his pitch, I could only smile. Ditto with the St. Inez 
technique. ALL previously tried and retried. How does the saying go again: You 
fool me once....... ?


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