On 26 January 2014 01:43, joe lobo <jl...@rogers.com> wrote:

> Dear  Dr.Falcao,
>       I do not claim to have  personally witnessed the movement of
> scientists just before or  after World War 2, but  from  accounts  of
> reliable people.......................................scientists like
> Werner von Braun and others like  him  were given admission  and
>  encouragement towards the USA.  Was  he  jewish  or german ?  Many  jewish
> people pre-1920`s  were german  subjects under the Kaiser.
>  What  Hitler and the Nazi  party  did after they took over control of the
> country....is  still being reported by surivors
>  Similarly many  educated intellectuals  chose to move to  the the  still
> evolving   Soviet Union which  inherited the East Germany ( part of the
> divided  Germany after WW2 )
>    Even today many  developing nations  depend on  foreign  technical
> expertise.

RESPONSE: Your asked so here it is:-

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_BraunVon in German and Van in
Dutch depict nobility...

Gabe Menezes.

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