Hello All,


 Welcome to the GOA 2014!

 Let me first start off by introducing my Committee.
The Committee for 2014
Jude Viera: Vice President and Controller
Donovan Rodrigues: Events Coordinator
Ronnie Dalgado: Events Coordinator

Felix Fernandes: Events Coordinator

Audrey Viera: Events Coordinator
Sharel Figueredo: Events Coordinator
Amanda Toscano: Events Coordinator
Ezilda Lobo: Events Coordinator

Bina Weller: Events Coordinator
Neil D'Souza: Events Coordinator

Andrea D'Sylva: Photographer
Sharmila Menezes: Webmaster

Events planned for 2014: Please mark you calendars.  Dance and Camping are set 
dates the other dates may change.
April 27, 2014 – Picnic - Torrance 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
June 21, 2014 – Hollywood Bowl – Opening night
August 17, 2014 - Beach day – Redondo Beach
Sept. 12 – 14, 2014 – Camp Seely
Dec.13, 2014, Christmas Dance – Venue TBD 

The GOA thanks you for all your support and we are looking forward to having 
another awesome year.
Please visit us on our website at www.GoansOfAmerica.com.
To get on our mailing list please add your email address to the box that is 
located to the left of the page on the website.
You can also visit us on Face Book - Los Angeles GOA
You can view your GOA Christmas Dance Pictures on the link below.
Thank you,

Selma Rodrigues
















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