CYRUS wrote: "There is a small paragraph of interest to the people of Goa."

Nothing that was not publicly NOT known.

"When the Chinese overran Tibet, India was in no position to do anything
except to submit to the inevitable. Tibetan autonomy vanished into thin air.

The police action in Goa in December 1961 was, to a large extent, dictated
by political considerations -- having an eye on the impending general

The decision to take over Goa was taken six months before. Krishna Menon
discovered a pliable senior intelligence man to prepare the ground. He was
a pastmaster not only in provoking incidents but also in INVENTING them.
Wild reports of Portuguese military strength in Goa, and the "impending"
arrival of Pakistani forces by air and sea in Goa were widely circulated.

Actually there was no need to deploy the army. The Central Reserve Police
could have accomplished the job. The invasion of Goa did not enhance
Nehru's moral stature."


On 28 January 2014 05:02, Cyrus A. Jose Sanches
<<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> wrote:

> The above link will take you to a lengthy article on Mr. V. K. Krishna
> Menon written by M.O. Mathai.  Mr Mathai was personal assistant to Pundit
> Jawaharlal Nehru, P. M. Of India at the time.
> I have not read the full article but saved it for later reading.
> God bless
> Cyrus
> This email is private and confidential

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