Again and again the bank employees strike and we customers are the most 
sufferers. What kind of service does these so called bank employees giving us ? 
long ques, abuses, several trips to the banks to get small work done etc etc. 
Why does Aires Rodrigues take up this issue instead of cleaning ministers, and 
advocates appointed by courts ? I would have saluted him if he had to file a 
case on our behalf putting these strikes at rest once for all. I request 
readers to do at least one thing. I have started a letter to herald editor 
highlighting this issue. I would be happy if each of you just sit or the net 
and send a email to Herald or navhindtimes or any newspaper stating your 
resentment over bank strikes. Can you do it ? or will you say like a typical 
goan I have ATM card so these strike do not affect me. i too have atm card but 
I am thinking of all old people who do not know to use atm cards . what about 
other service ? take courage. When I see a letter in the newspaper i will call 
you a brave person or else ?                                         

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