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I have been reading in some of recent posts about Goans taking jobs in
call centers. From the tone of these posts I get the impression that
this is a desirable kind of career or job worth looking forward to.

While I subscribe to the view that all honest labor is not to be
viewed with discrimination, I fail to understand why the desire for
call center positions notwithstanding the good pay offered.

The job is soul-destroying. They are taught to use phony accents. It
is a burn out high stress occupation with no advancement except more
of the same. They learn nothing from it. They work odd shifts to be in
sync with world times and that puts off their body clocks. The work is
psychologically demeaning and some are forced to seek temporary relief
in habit inducing narcotics. They get scolded when their sales numbers
are not to expectation due to no fault of theirs. They are seen as
production machines rather than the human beings they are. All in all
it is a job not to be done for more than 6 months without it taking a
heavy toll on one's sanity.

Could someone tell me different?

Rahul Almeida wrote:
If like minded IITians like Ashank
Dessai, you (Carmo) render some help, through their contacts worldwide,
surely Goa will become atleast a mini-Bangalore. Goans won't have to go to
Bangalore and Pune to work in call centers; he will get them to Goa.

Minguel Braganza wrote:
It is a chicken and egg story, WHICH COMES FIRST the bad English
teacher or the bad English speaking parent. Of course, there is ample
opportunity to correct. We do have Goan students getting selected
through campus interviews for CALL CENTRES in English BPOs.

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