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Dear Sunith,

I do archive some of the interesting posts on Goanet.  And the article on 
Babush was one of them.  I am enclosing it here for your reference.  I did 
not know the history of Babush that you have mentioned in your post.  (In 
fact, I wonder if Manohar Parrikar was also aware of the background of the 
person - because if he did, then surely it would be a huge black mark 
against him because he used such a person to become a chief minister.)  I do 
remember that at the time I did ask Godfrey, who posted (perhaps composed 
also?) the article on Goanet, if Babush had any views on subjects like 
education, industrial development, etc.  I do not think Godfrey replied - if 
he did, it missed my attention.

I hope you find it useful.

Sachin Phadte.


Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 17:50:27 +0100 (BST)
From: godfrey gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] "KING BABUSH "  REIGN  ASSURED in GOA?
To: goanet@goanet.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Ever since the rumblings in the BJP led coalition headed by Mr Manohar 
Parrikar beginning  27th January 2005 and his final ouster on 4th 
Marcfh,2005 with imposition of Presidents Rule (call it Governors rule ) 
until the present regime came to power on (2/2/2005 ) 7/6/2005 there are 
strong undercurrents that suggest the young turks are in no mood to allow 
the veterans to have a long innings.

It was Mr Antanasio Monserate who first struck by revolting against the 
unceremonious removal of his coveted portfolio the Town & Country Planning, 
and revenge he did take because he apparently realised that Parrikar had 
been adopting the condom policy of "use and discard" to sustain his reign.  
It was Monserrate a novice in politics who first drew blood when he seated 
in the remote constituency of Poinguinim in Canacona Taluka ensured the 
success of his friend and "Man Friday" Mr Isidore Fernandes after getting 
him to resign from the Indian National Congress and then re-electing him on 
BJP ticket. As the main campaign manager Mr Monserrate indeed earned full 
laurels for his success though Mr Parrikar refused to give him the credit he 

Earlier Mr Monserrate demanded from Mr Parrikar reversion of parts of 
Taleigao from then Municipal status to Panchayat status and for this he lent 
support to the BJP led coalition and later honourably adorned the garb of 
BJP  when the same was conceded to him.

>From  27th January, 2005 he showed his clout by keeping the entire INC MLA's 
under his fortress under lock and key at "CASA MONSERATTE" near the St Inez 
Church end.

Later Mr Monserrate not only got his spouse a post of Vice President in the 
United Goans Democratic Party UGDP and later got his  entire Taleigao 
Village Panchayat panel elected.

His political strides went to an extent where he finally got his spouse Ms 
Jennifer to contest the Zilla Panchayat elections and later unanimously 
elected as the Chairperson of the North Goa Zilla Panchayat.

Facing a formidable challenge from ex CM and present leader of the 
Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar' panel and that of Ms Victoria Fernandes his 
"bete noir" he secured nearly two third majority 19 out of total 30 seats in 
the Corporation of City of Panaji and got his choice candidates elected as 
Mayor and Deputy Mayor of the Corporation.

For Mr Monserate the achievement was not as per his expectations and blamed 
it on paucity of time and inability to sell his ideas for the development of 
Panaji to the electorate in a constituency that has parts of Santa Cruz 
Taleigao Panaji Assembly Constituency.  He was however content that the ex 
CM was put on hold on home turf Panaji Assembly Constituency at the 
forthcoming hustings.

Except for  the only defeat that he faced when the draconian ordinance of 30 
September, 2005 was kept in abeyance  "to die a natural death"  viz to lapse 
for failure to be taken up in the next convened session, an agitation 
spearheaded by his bete noir Ms Victoria Fernandes and other NGO's and the 
Regional Plan 2011 is still being whetted for finalisation now expected by 
month end, Mr Monserrate seems to have crossed the hurdles single handedly 
and is now gaining support for shouldering higher responsibilities.

There has been criticism accusations insinuations --- being called an 
extortionist, indulgence in cyber crimes etc etc but all this 
notwithstanding many of the accusations remain only on the lips of the 
rumour mongers and have not been subjected to strict test.

The latest move seems to be --- rather the last nail in the coffin --- Mr 
Monserate has now offered to fling his Ministerial portfolios and settle 
down for the Organisational postings.  It is certain that Mr Monserrate has 
done his homework well; he has indeed placed all his cards on the desk of 
the High Command and to his good luck some of the veteran politicians 
primarily the Chief Minister Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane seems to agree with 
his game plan against the willy nilly Ponda MLA Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik the 
present incumbent to the post of Goa Pradesh Congress Committee.

Will Mr Monserate succeed in his game plan is only a matter of conjecture.  
He is indeed receiving support from unknown quarters and slowly but surely 
the ground swell support will turn on his side.

Though the High Command and the UPA Chairperson has yet to take a decision 
given that she was not too happy over the TCP ordinance knowing fully that 
even the Church had objections to this draconian move.  Ms Margaret Alva the 
AICC observer looking after the Goa Desk seems to have given her blessings 
to Mr Monserrate and now the die is cast.

But as the organisational wing is being activated to face the next hustings 
any time now; there is no clear signal from the High Command as of now the  
bye elections of the UPA Chairperson Ms Sonia Gandhi and elections in Kerala 
etc are engaging the attention of Ms Gandhi and therefore Goa matters can 
wait but not beyond 10th May 2006 when the Lok Sabha will be reconvened for 
the Budget session and by then all results will be out.

What will be the moves of Ravi Sitaram Naik the existing GPCC chief if asked 
to pave the way for Monserrate.  A look at the age composition of the 
present INC led coalition in Goa would indicate that the veterans need to 
pave the way for young blood.  A Kamraj type plan would ensure that those 
beyond 58 years should be taken in the organisational fold to strenghten the 
Party and make room for the below 50's to steer the Party and the 
Government.  It is a known fact that the present electorate accounts for 50 
% of youth and unless this section is galvanised with a dynamic leader the 
INC may have to face an exit for its dismal performance in the past over an 
year. Devlopment has indeed suffered and politicking has taken front seat.  
Compare this with the BJP led coalition the voters agree that the 
development in the period from 24/10/2000 to 2/2/2005 was formidable and if 
they had to last till term end they would have achieved a lot until May 2007 
when the term ended.

There is another threat and Mr Monserate will not allow his imagination to 
run wild.  He believes in a no nonsense attitude.  He has shown his prowess. 
  He has a game plan and a Master Plan for the development of the State and 
should the High Command dither on this the alternatives are many.  The INC 
can easily win 22 to 25 seats in the Velhas Conquistas with a few coastal 
constituencies in the Novas Conquistas purely on development and the secular 
card.  If the INC fails to concede Mr Monseratte could easily float a 
regional party and make his the single largest party to form the next 
Government.  Either way the ball is now in the court of the INC and Mr 
Monserate has nothing to lose as of now.

Below the age group of INC and other MLA's forming the ruling side.

Dr Wilfred A De Souza  23/04/1927  (NCP)

Ms Victoria Fernandes  26/07/1934
Mr Harish N P Zantye   22/09/1935
Mr Pratapsing R Rane   28/01/1939

Mr Francisco Sardinha  15/04/1946
Mr Ravi S Naik         18/09/1946
Mr Dayanand Narvekar   11/02/1950
Mr Luisinho Faleiro    26/08/1951
Mr Subhash Shirodkar   02/02/1952
Mr Digamber Kamat      08/03/1954
Mr Jeetendra Deshprabhu31/03/1956
Mr Sudin Dhavlikar     11/11/1956  (MGP)
Mr Aleixo Sequeira     10/04/1957
Mr Joaquim B Alemao    08/11/1957

Mr Agnelo Fernandes    02/09/1962
Mr Filipe Rodrigues    19/10/1962  (IND)
Mr Antanasio Monserate 20/12/1962
Mr Giovani K Vaz       15/11/1963
Mr Pandurang Madkaikar 10/09/1964
Mr Francisco M Pacheco 12/12/1964  (NCP)
Mr Francisco Silveira  12/04/1968

Mr Chandrakant Kavlekar07/05/1971


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