( Main Branch )

This is a very important that SBI should see there is a complete
secrecy of the pin usage by the customers. Goa Govt should also see
that the ATM and the Green Channel Counter swiping machines are to
used very efficiently with greater secrecy and thus avoiding any
fraud. The customer Mr GC Bhatacharya is my colleague who has brought
this to the notice of the Branch Manager D.Paula for information.
Hope this message is reached to all the customers for their safe usage
of their cards.
Newspapers need to bring this matter published  in public interest

Stephen Dias

From: G. C. Bhattacharya []
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 9:00 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Fwd: Green Channel Counter (GCC) swiping machines of SBI -
User's safety concern

Dear Friend/s

I am a customer of the State Bank of India (SBI) in the state of  Goa.
 My this mail is to share with you one my serious concern about an
existing  practice in the SBI, which I think is putting the customer's
at grave risk of a possible banking fraud.

The concern relates to the use of swiping machines of the Green
Channel  Counter (GCC) which has been introduced by the SBI some time
back. Needless to say that I highly appreciate this GCC system as it
has enhanced the efficiency of many of the  banking operations, made
banking easier and speedier and in overall it has made great
contribution for environment protection by reducing  usage of lots of
paper. However, I have noticed a shortcoming in the way the customers
have to use this facility (GCC swiping machines) at the bank counters.
 The shortcoming is that the GCC swiping machines are not provided
with any proper enclosures, due to which the users are compelled to
enter   their PIN in the GCC swiping machines in front of other
customers standing in queue in the counter. This puts the customers at
great risk of their confidential Debit card PIN to be known / seen
by others.   I do not know whether you will consider  this situation
desirable and safe for the customers. Personally, I think this is not
a safe practice and this is unnecessarily putting the customers at
great risk of exposing their confidential PIN to others and thus
making them vulnerable  to possible banking fraud. I have noticed that
the SBI instructs the customers not to expose their PIN to others
while using the ATMs. However, I fail to understand then why the SBI
is putting the customers at risk while using the GCC swiping machines
at their bank branches. In the  SBI branch where I am a customer, I
saw a makeshift cover has been provided to one of the two GCC swiping
machines installed over there with  a shoe-box size empty cardboard
box of HP printer cartridge. Since that small box cover is very
inconvenient for using the swiping machine,  hence some customers are
pulling out the GCC swiping machine while using it.

I am distressed with this situation. Earlier, I brought my concern in
this matter to the notice of the Branch Manager and although he
apparently agreed that the practice is unsafe, still he appeared to be
clueless about how to resolve the issue satisfactorily. I think this
shortcoming can be easily resolved if the bank authorities can provide
safe, proper and convenient enclosures for GCC swiping machines
installed at its bank counters.

I  have shared my concern with you as I thought the matters relates to
safety of all customers of the SBI and making others aware of this
problem may help for its satisfactory solution under public pressure.
Therefore my request to you is that, if you agree with my concern then
in the public interest kindly forward this mail to your friends and
others known customers of the SBI.

Thanking you in advance,

Sincerely yours,

A Customer  of SBI

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