Dear Creepy Subscriber

*I hope to travel to Central America and South America this year.* I know I
can't see everything but I hope to see at least some parts of both. The
places I pick to visit will be influenced by the contacts I make/have
there. So if you or anyone you know could help me in anyway with
accomodation/ advice I'd greatly appreciate it. As I've mentioned before I
am not fussy about where I sleep and what I eat! I'm excited about
photographing birds in particular so if you do know of a good guide that
would be very helpful too.

*I also plan to visit Canada for a short bit so If you are able to help
while I'm there that would be awesome too!*

I plan to travel to these places somewhere between June and Oct.

Besides the regular newsletter here are the links to my latest blogs on
birds of Goa.

Rahul Alvares

Banded Rock Gecko

[image: Inline image 1]

When I'm out on a walk looking for critters to photograph I'm always on the
lookout for rocks to upturn. Rocks and stones hide all kinds of interesting
animals underneath them. Depending on the area you're searching you could
find anything from tiny insects to a sizeable snake under one of them!

To increase my chances of success and so as not to waste energy I only
upturn what I think to be the right sized rocks for the job. Anything
smaller than an unhusked coconut is unlikely to harbor anything interesting
beneath it. On the other hand massive rocks are too big to be moved and
also best left alone. Some rocks are literally 'rolling stones gathering no
moss' and are also quite useless.

The best kinds of rocks are the ones that are between 1-3 feet across and
sit with a small part of their mass submerged in the ground. Upturn one of
these and you might find something very interesting. Like this Banded rock
gecko that I chanced upon on a nature walk in Mollem National Park.

Most animals will quickly dart away when exposed like this but luckily for
me this Gecko just sat unmoving while I photographed him. Done with my
shots of the gecko I put back the roof of his house.

This isn't as simple as rolling the stone to its original position. This is
because in doing so more than likely you will smash the heavy rock onto the
little critter. So I first coaxed the four inch long reptile away. Then I
moved the rock back into its original position. With the rock back in place
the little lizard needed little convincing in dashing back underneath it!

Back home I thumbed through my reptile books to find hardly any information
on this species of Gecko. An internet search turned out to be a little more
productive and revealed some fascinating bits of information about this
species in particular and geckos in general.

For instance I was surprised to know that Geckos climb walls with the help
of tiny setae under their feet. The suction power created by these setae is
so strong that a gecko can easily suspend its entire body hanging from a
single toe!

When lifting its foot to move forward a gecko bends its toes in the
opposite direction from the way we do. In doing so the setae suction forces
are drastically reduced allowing the gecko to 'unstick' its foot and move

 A gecko's tail breaks off easily when grabbed by a predator allowing the
little reptile to make a hasty gettaway. The gecko will eventually grow a
new tail back but rarely if at all will the new tail resemble the original
one in shape and size.

Banded rock geckos like all geckos lack eyelids. Come to think of it I've
never noticed a Gecko blink. But I've more than once seen geckos lick their
own eyes to keep them clean!




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