On 4 March 2014 05:40, John Eric Gomes <goe...@gmail.com> wrote:

"The new rape law will be misused viz the definition of rape and I wonder when
it will be applied to a woman who does to a man what Tepjal is alleged to
have done or woman to another woman?"

Dear John,

With reference to the reported Cases in India

I believe that the short answer to your question is MOST LIKELY.

Here are a few scenarios:

1: Mr. M is on his way to work. He is on a crowded ferry across the
Mandovi. It is a smooth ride. Suddenly, a young lady (F) shouts that M
touched her breasts. M denies the accusation vehemently. No witnesses
despite the number of persons on the ferry. The (real / fictitious) CCTV
camera is on the blink) What happens next? Does Ms. F have to prove that
Mr. M touched her or does M have to prove that he did not touch her? Please
re-visit the Goa Children's Act.

2: Ms F is on the beach or in a restaurant really flaunting her cleavage in
the presence of Mr. M. This happens on several occasions. Is that sexual
harassment by way of exposure?

3: Mr. M  is on the beach in a really skimpy mono-kini in the presence of
Ms. F. This happens on several occasions. Is that sexual harassment by way
of exposure?

4: Mr. M and Ms. F are 'in love'. They get sexually involved. It first
happened one fine night after the carnival dance and it was consensual.
 During their consensual torrid 2 year affair, Mr. M  and Ms F talk about
getting married and having kids blah blah.

(a) Then, one fine day, Mr. M finds Ms F to be too controlling or becomes
infatuated with another young lady Ms. F2 or just is unsure if he wants to
carry on this relationship. Ms. F is furious and approaches the courts.
Will the court find Mr. M guilty of rape?


(b) Then, one fine day, Ms. F finds Mr M to be too controlling or becomes
infatuated with another young hunk of a man Mr. M2 or just is unsure if she
wants to carry on this relationship. Mr. M is furious and approaches the
courts. Will the court find Mr. F  guilty of rape?

And, I am not even getting to Adultery.

PS:  The above script has NO relationship to the Tejpal alleged-incident.

Forgive any typos. Typed at one go

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