Yet another flawed moved by Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar. His recent
announcement that non-Goan women who intend to seek government employment
and are married to Goans, would now require a mere two-year domicile
instead of 15 years has to be strongly condemned.

Such a wrong move by the government raises a question about the very
sincerity and logistics of those including the Chief Minister himself who
has been swearing on the commitment to Special Status for Goa as a measure
to ensure protection to the sons of our soil. This is surely a backdoor
means for persons who have absolutely no connection with the State, except
upon marriage, to immediately rush in, to get a plum post under the
Government. What about those thousands already enrolled in the Employment
Exchange and awaiting a call? Has any other State given such benefits to a
spouse, after marriage?

The danger that such a move further entails is of marriages of convenience
to secure plumb government jobs without any requirement or condition that
the marriage should subsist for any period of time after getting that

Is not Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar aware that singling out only women
for this benefit is an outdated approach of legislation and jurisprudence?
Modern day convention does not permit and accept such gender based
discrimination. If women can be given, what prevents men from claiming such
benefit, on plea of hostile discrimination under Articles 14 & 16 of the

Seeing the way in which this government over the last two years has been
mending and bending the recruitment rules to suit particular candidates of
their choice, one wonders whether this relaxation to a two year domicile
for non-Goan women is a gimmick to only enable particular persons already
lined up to infiltrate into the government service and then to revert back
to the 15 year domicile. Mr. Chief Minister your sincerity and credibility
is getting eroded by the day.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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