There is no alternative in a Democracy, but to vote the system in place.
NOTA a new hyped addition only can only give personal, mental satisfaction,
but will not tilt the balance or lead to re-poll. Whether we cast our vote
or not, it matters very little, because the thinkers are in a minority and
cannot derail the outcome. The choice of the candidates is presented by the
parties, assuming our fait accompli and taking us for granted. The
selection is based on cast, religion, , money and muscle power and win
ability criteria ,whether by fair or foul means, throwing ethics to the
wind. The ability to interpret, legislate, participate in debates is the
least priority, The background of the candidates being criminals, corrupt,
etc is not in  question while deciding the candidate

Voting in nascent democracy was considered to be the most pleasurable
exercise, eagerly looked forward. We are regularly bombarded with that it
is our constitutional, sacred right and duty to elect any rogue of the
party candidate and not exercising it tantamount to sacrilege. The issues
paraded are corruption, scams and not policies, programmes, administrative
efficiencies that will raise the standard of people and Nation. They
capitalise on our hopelessness and helplessness to understand, comprehend
the depth of issues of National importance. Even the most educated are
politically illiterate. No Party is sacrosanct,  devoid of scams and
corruption and yet our public memory is short and fleeting .Politicians
stick to the chair like limpets, because they are accustomed to the mind
boggling privileges, being in the corridors of power. Politicians to day
are the envy of Kings and Princes of the yore. Once elected, they care two
hoots and will audaciously deny the value of our vote in their victory

Manifestos and propaganda confuses most, as they promise paradise on earth,
wowing to make the impossible  possible by their gullible talks ,thus
assuring to take  India to new heights in the comity of Nations, It is
another matter of non-fulfilment of manifestos and they cannot be held
accountable or responsible for their tall claims .Many citizens, even to
day are without basic necessities of drinking water, shelter or clothing
.Voters believe that their hopes, aspirations, dreams  and needs will be
articulated, addressed by their elected representatives for instant
redressal.  We hopefully believe that every new election will throw new
leaders, issues, solving perennial problems and bringing us nearer to the
achievable  and desirable goals. As usual our dreams will be shattered once
again on the rocks of reality and insensitiveness, sooner than expected

Our votes might serve as the bargaining power in future, to seek some
crumbs in future ,But politicians have ingenious ways of circumventing by
bribes, politeness, willingness to listen to absurdities , be scolded and
stand patient and docile. Voting fuels our egos of importance, an
opportunity to rub shoulders with the high and mighty, however for a
fleeting moment, Absenteeism is monitored for future retaliations,
Electronic voting machines, ID cards drive terror into the politicians, for
all manipulations are nipped in the bud.. Now they will forcefully take
away the cards, offer money and return  them after the elections. Once the
vote is cast, the sting of the worth of vote is lost and sealed, till next
elections, unless there is early election

The intelligentsia feels alienated in the election process., The youth
brigade and women voters turn up in strength due to disillusionment in
their life expectations. The recent success in Delhi elections have raised
hopes of another viable alternative It is a Hobson's choice between the
untouchable, communal BJP and decaying Congress mired with monumental
corruption and policy paralysis. The Regional outfits are increasingly a
force to reckon with. The two party monoliths are crumbling vertically.
Politics is success stories from rags to riches, evident from growing
tribes of political millionaires with no education, experience,
investments, unlike the industrialists, who have realised the worth of
throw their hat in political arena. We need to vote to demonstrate to the
world that largest democracy of India is alive and kicking. Too often the
illiterate Nation shows its powers through ballot box, upsetting the apple
cart and fortunes of parties and candidates with increasing frequency. Gone
are days of booth capturing, fear of guns, intimidations, benami voting
.The video graphing , control on expenditures is a  new attempt  to monitor
the procedures influencing the voters or casting undue influence

We must vote to usher a change, give new lease to our representatives to
complete the unfished agenda, deliberately left so. The foundation stones,
will otherwise remain as sentinels, milestones and signposts of tomfoolery.
Our vote will give birth albeit to new political Princes, Voting out the
old guard or the party is the best, to at least assure some semblance of
new order. Politics  is the only best profession some politicians know to
make a grand living .Believe it or not for their ultimate,  sacrifice, they
are paid a pittance in terms of tax free allowance, free water,
electricity, transport for their families by air and first class rail
travel, free telephone, postage, assistants, subsidised and furnished
accommodation. Many a times their grouse is that they are compensated much
less in comparison than the British M.P`s

Our precious vote is the fountain head of the wealth of all politicians,
helping them to occupy coveted positions, embark on foreign jaunts of
education, enjoy priority of medical treatment in India and abroad at
premier health Institutes, reserved seats for their wards in education and
service, corner contracts, obtain soft loans, enter in to benami business ,
ventures partnerships without  capital expenditure etc. are some enviable

 It is only in  politics that  requires no age bar, minimum Educational
qualification or experience, Then also  the seats are reserved for their
wives, daughters in law, rising sons and close relatives  like in
hereditary occupations .Our demand for vote provides tax free
entertainments with televised sessions. The antics of disruption in
Parliament, dharma's, gheraos,violence are examples of conduct and
behaviour for our next generation. Our vote cleanses them of all criminal
records, corruption, like holy dip in the waters of polluted Ganga .They
have absolute faith in people's court,  rather than the established
Institutions of law and justice. Our vote must cast them in political
wilderness and oblivion to show are astuteness and concerns for order. It
should  not guarantee them to die with boots on, receive state funerals and
be entombed as unforgettable heroes of Modern India Their cunning to make
enemies of friends , neighbours must be guarded with extra care and
cautions,. Before and after elections politicians are the best of friends
of each other .Their tearing into one another is only for public gallery
for a limited period.

The poor, wretched, ignorant vote, not because they understand their
democratic rights  , but because they fear  for their own lives  with
reprisals  and vengeance. Election and voting provide a carnival type of
atmosphere an opportunity to be heard and to enjoy hospitality of free
food, drinks, rides, picnics, pilgrimages, mementos, donations to clubs and
religious places. The guidelines on expenses are becoming elastic, as the
E.C cannot be a watch dog wit unbaiting eyelids at all times in all places
.Govt funding of  elections may not be the solution and in spite of huge
drain on expenses on the exchequer it is vital for the democratic process
we have embraced.

When all is said and done, much is always said but little is done, So we
rightly hope that a new change will be ushered without defections, horse
trading, threats of Govrt age like Income tax, CBI n NOTA must be  enlarged
for   re elections., demand for accountability, recall , dignified conduct
and behaviour in the sacred precincts of Houses, and deal firmly with
corruption at all levels, check police excesses, prevent criminalisation of
politics, usher political , police and judicial reforms, limit
representations to maximum of  two terms, provide age , qualification,
experience criteria, avoid caste and religious base in politics., make
education and employment a fundamental right, Politics must ensure that we
live in an atmosphere of trust peace , dignityand harmony

That is a very small price to pay for our valuable, precious  sacred ,
secret vote. Listen deaf politicians with a hearing aid at least Don`t fail
to vote even if your vote is a failure

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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