The cyber café`s are busy these days printing out pictures and
supplimenting information to be  presented ,as school assignments, Whether
the students really learn and teachers go through them is a moot question.
Anyway a new business activity seems to be flourishing to meet the
requirements, Both teachers and students are happy to have participated in
this annual ritual, called assignments. Marks are allotted to this
activity, whether it is done by the student or someone else. It is a common
site that parents are sweating with the completion of unrealistic
assignments sometimes with no source materials made avaiable in the school

The purpose is self learning  by the  students. refer to books and other
sources, summarise, illustrate and be self dependent in the learning
process. The teacher with limited time and compulsions cannot give a wider,
broader knowledge on all aspects of the topic. These assignments need to be
planned well  in advance , possibly at the beginning of the academic year,
so that there is no crowding of work in the end of the year, both for
evaluation and satisfactory completion ..  The topics may be related to
school matter or student be given choice to choose their own topic of
interest or an application, practical device.,on related topics, under
guidance and supervision. The difficulties that are likely to be
encountered   need to be foreseen and acted upon. The assignments must
create interests and motivate self learning arousing their interest and
curiosity.The assignments be divided one in each term, month wise for
subjects .The teachers need to guide students about availability of
reference  books and the topics and pages be catalogued for easy access. It
means that the educators themselves must be prepared in advance about the
 type of assignments to be given and the topics, It is the bound ant duty
of the teachers to make available source material , augument in the school
library or direct to specific sources in the village or municipal library,
with which the teacher himself is well familiar with.Gathering information,
compiling on some  specific projects, etc in the vicinity could also be
interesting and meaningful , Too often the assignments are written
materials only, which may not lead to creativity and innovations

The evaluation of assignments need to be done orally about the insight
gained as a process, sources used as a reference, abilities of selecting,
comprehension and reporting and most of all whether it is independent work
of the student .Merely copying from internet does not meet the  specific
objective designed .Many a times the unrealistic, impractical assignments
are homework for the parents, who are anxiously fretting about, trying to
beat the deadlines to help their wards

The best assignments could also be displayed as a part of exhibition  of
assignments in the schools

Nelson Lopes, Chinchinim

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