Samir Umarye

*Major relief for tenants in evacuee properties*

PANJIM: Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar on Friday said the Goa ( Abolition
of proprietorships, titles and grants of lands) Bill, 2014, which has been
passed in the Goa Legislative Assembly, was exclusively for those who come
under the title.

Speaking to reporters in his chamber after the bill was passed in the
Assembly session, Parrikar said it is however not applicable for '
aframento' properties.

" This law ( referring to the Bill) ensures that people get freedom from
the custodian property existing at Mayem and at certain places in Siolim as
well as Cuncolim... It is applicable for only the title related..." he said.

Parrikar on Tuesday had introduced this special legislation transferring
all the custodian controversial lands to the Goa government and made
provision of Rs 20 crore for its implementation, in his Budget.

" All rights, title and interest of every proprietor, title holder, owner,
grantee, in respect of any land held by him for his predecessors or his
ancestors, under the erstwhile Portuguese regime, including those which has
been declared as ' evacuee property' under the Goa Daman and Diu
Administration of Evacuee Property Act 1964 and presently vested in the
custodian of evacuees property shall stand abolished, extinguished and
permanently cancelled and all such rights stand transferred and vested in
the State government," the bill reads.

As per the Bill, the Collector will take possession of all lands and rights
that have Continued on pg 12

Several bills passed

PANJIM: The House Friday passed the Goa ( Abolition of Proprietorships,
Titles and Grants of Lands) Bill, 2014, Goa Fiscal Responsibility and
Budget Management ( First Amendment) Bill, 2014, Code of Criminal Procedure
( Goa Amendment) Bill, 2014 and the Goa Nursing Council ( First Amendment)
Bill, 2014.(Herald)

Decks cleared for Mayem villagers to get land title

PANAJI: The Goa legislative assembly on Friday passed the Goa (Abolition of
Proprietorships, Titles and Grants of Lands) Bill, 2014. This is aimed at
resolving the long-pending issue of evacuee properties in Goa and as chief
minister Manohar Parrikar put it, set the "ball rolling for the liberation
of Mayem".

Opposition leader Pratapsingh Rane proposed that the bill be referred to a
select committee for proper study as the bill did not specify the financial
implications of the new act. Parrikar said that the government has made a
budgetary provision of 20 crore which can be raised to 40 crore. He also
said all problems arising from passing of the bill can be resolved.

"The government has given an assurance to pass the bill in this session of
the legislative assembly, so we wish to go ahead and pass the bill,"
Parrikar said.

The bill sought to abolish the rights of the landlords over the evacuee
properties that were acquired from the Portuguese government.

Later speaking to the media, Parrikar said that the new Act refers
specifically to land granted under titles of conde, visconde, marquis, etc
by the erstwhile Portuguese government.

This relates specifically to evacuee properties, primarily in Mayem village
and some in Siolim.

While the Act abolishes all rights of the landlords over the land that will
henceforth vest with the government, the landlords have a right only to
claim compensation. The amount of compensation will be decided by the
district collector.

Parrikar said the land is mostly mundkarial and the Act has a clause for
the government to hand it back to the mundkars. Parrikar virtually ruled
out possibility of the Act being challenged in court.

Almost the entire Mayem village, measuring about 3,773 hectares and having
about 2,500 houses, is evacuee property. (ToI)

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