Readers may be interested in this forthcoming book by Lee Siegel who
was in Goa in 2012 to do research on Abbe Faria

Stories of India, Tales of Hypnosis
Lee Siegel
Cloth $54.00 ISBN: 9780226185293 Will Publish October 2014
Paper $18.00 ISBN: 9780226185323 Will Publish October 2014
An e-book edition will be published.
Lee Siegel
272 pages | 14 halftones | 6 x 9 | (c) 2014
Cloth $54.00 ISBN: 9780226185293 Will Publish October 2014
Paper $18.00 ISBN: 9780226185323 Will Publish October 2014
E-book $18.00 ISBN: 9780226185460 Will Publish October 2014
Listen to what I am about to tell you: do not read this book alone.
You really shouldn't. In one of the most playful experiments ever put
between two covers, every other section of Trance-Migrations
prescribes that you read its incantatory tales out loud to a lover,
friend, or confidant, in order to hypnotize in preparation for Lee
Siegel's exploration of an enchanting India. To read and hear this
book is to experience a particular kind of relationship, and that's
precisely the point: hypnotism, the book will demonstrate, is an
essential aspect of our most significant relationships, an inherent
dimension of love, religion, medicine, politics, and literature, a
fundamental dynamic between lover and beloved, deity and votary,
physician and patient, ruler and subject, and, indeed, reader and

Even if you can't read this with a partner--and I stress that you
certainly ought to--you will still be in rich company. There is
Shambaraswami, an itinerant magician, hypnotist, and storyteller to
whom villagers turn for spells that will bring them wealth or love;
José-Custodio de Faria, a Goan priest hypnotizing young and beautiful
women in nineteenth-century Parisian salons; James Esdaile, a Scottish
physician for the East India Company in Calcutta, experimenting on
abject Bengalis with mesmerism as a surgical anesthetic; and Lee
Siegel, a writer traveling in India to learn all that he can about
hypnosis, yoga, past life regressions, colonialism, orientalism, magic
spells, and, above all, the power of story. And then there is you:
descending through these histories--these tales within tales, trances
within trances, dreams within dreams--toward a place where the
distinctions between reverie and reality dissolve.

Here the world within the book and that in which the book is read come
startlingly together. It's one of the most creative works we have ever
published, a dazzling combination of literary prowess, scholarly
erudition, and psychological exploration--all tempered by warm humor
and a sharp wit. It is informing, entertaining, and, above all,

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