Every profession, be it the world's oldest is governed by an ethical code
of Conduct. Just like practitioners of the oldest profession, Advocates too
have to adhere to the rules of professional conduct as mandated by the Bar
Council of India.

In the infamous Tarun Tejpal case, wherever legal minds meet the issue is
being debated as to whether the appearance of Senior Advocate Saresh
Lotlikar as Special Public Prosecutor before Judge Anuja Prabhudessai,
despite she having once been his client meets the requirements of such
professional code of ethics.

Saresh Lotlikar should not have appeared before a Judge who had been his
client. It certainly amounts to gross misconduct. Judge Anuja Prabhudessai
could have also recused from hearing the matter on this very ground.
Instead of putting the Judge in an embarrassing situation, Saresh Lotlikar
should himself have declined to appear before a Judge with whom he had an
Advocate - Client relationship.

In times when the credibility of the Judiciary is at an all time low, as
Officers of the Court we have to do everything possible to strengthen the
integrity of the Courts - the Temples of Truth. Courts should never end up
being perceived as Casinos.

One cannot remain a mere spectator to such low levels of professional
misconduct. I would be abdicating my duty if I fail to place this material
before the Bar Council for proper adjudication.

It is going to be no easy task, given the fact that Saresh Lotlikar was my
Professor at the Law College. However, it has been famously said: "The
silent spectator of injustice, who does not raise even a finger in
opposition, is as guilty as (if not more than !) the perpetrator of

This issue of Saresh Lotlikar having appeared before a Judge who had been
his client needs to be tested up to the highest Court, if necessary, to
ensure that justice is not made a casualty.

Was it also a mere coincidence that it was Saresh Lotlikar who, acting
behind the curtains, had initiated plans of a gala dinner in honour of
Justice Anuja Prabhudessai on her recent elevation to the High Court?

But, as there has to be Zero tolerance to any wining and dining of Judges
by Advocates, that 'fishy' dinner thankfully never took place. Goa's
judiciary was saved of another blot on its face.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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