It gives me immense pleasure that St. Francis Xavier Chapel in Duler
is going to be formally and canonically elevated to the status of a
church and henceforth will be know as "St. Francis Xavier Church" on
29th March 2014. . It's indeed a time for celebration as finally the
long standing and cherished dreams of the Duler community comes to a
reality. Rev Fr Caetano Fernandes among others like Rev Fr. Simon
Diniz and Rev Fr. Tomas Lobo were instrumental in bringing this
project to fruition.
I am fully convinced that Rev Fr. Caetano has put in his dedicated
effort and now his good work has produced fruits for his parishioners.
Apparently, for the convenience of its growing parishioners a church
status was a must as the chapel fulfilled all the criteria for being
elevated to a church. Indeed, it was a long standing desire of the
Duler parishioners affiliated to this chapel to see that the chapel is
elevated to the status of a church and finally the dawn has arrived.
The parishioners together with Rev Fr. Caetano Fernandes are jubilant
that their most ardent wish, that of the elevation of the chapel into
a church seems to have realized. I pray that Rev Fr. Caetano Fernandes
may you shine and make St. Francis Xavier Church shine in the Lord's



::: (_( ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...::::::::::::::
*: (=' :') :: GOD LOVE US  :::::::::::::::::::::
*.. (,(")(")¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...:::::::::::

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