GSRP has filed a 'Disqualification Petition' with the CEO Goa at Altinho, 
Panjim, against Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco,  the Congress South Goa Candidate 
for the Lok Sabha Elections,  2014.

Speaking at a press conference given at 4.00 p.m. on 7th April, 2014 at the 
Party's Mapusa Office, Floriano Lobo, the Party's General Secretary explained 
the details of the Petition and the reasons for filing it.

According to him, the Election Commission has included section 5 and 6 in the 
'affidavit' format to be sworn before the returning officer  by every candidate 
filing nomination papers for elections to public office which include details 
of pending cases registered against them, basically designed to be displayed on 
the EC's website for all concerned to see, take note of  and vote accordingly. 
Blanking out the same willfully is an offense in the first place, and, lying to 
the people about his/her criminal record/s is serious offence, especially when 
this is a sworn document.  Voters have every right to these details, as once 
elected, these persons shall be lawmakers of the state/country.

Floriano Lobo further said that Alexio Reginaldo Lourenco  may not have been 
convicted or have FIRs registered against him. But he asserts that the people 
have the right to know these details. Blanking out the same gives a clean chit 
to a person who may not be clean at all. 

According to the Petitioners, the Chief Electoral Officer is yet to give his 
reply to the petition. But they say that as and when the same comes forth, the 
Party will decide on the  course of action to be ftaken.

The Petitioners feel that there should be some fool-proof mechanism whereby the 
Election Commission may act sternly on those who take sworn affidavits lightly 
or scrap this formality completely if it allows this document to be taken for 
granted at will.

for Goa Su-Raj Party -GSRP
Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary
MOB: 9890470896    


Vote for Savio Rodrigues; the man with vision,
determination and the man who coined the phrase,
"This is Goa..... Respect It!".
A Vote for 'CANDLES is a VOTE for GOA' 

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