Dear Editor,

Kindly publish the following news itsm in your esteemed newspaper.  Hard
copy of the news is being sent to your office.  Photos are also attached.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Vincy Quadros)


Dalgado Konknni Akademi

Mobile - 9822587498

                                                                PRESS NOTE


It is our duty to know and learn our mother tongue to feel proud of
ourselves, said Fr. Manuel Gomes, Parish Priest of St. Francis Xavier
Church, Borim.  He was speaking after lighting the traditional lamp to mark
the formal inauguration of crash course on “Romi Lipint Konknni Borounchi
Promann Rit” at the church premises.

Fr.Gomes recalled Former German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl who while on his
Indian tour never hesitated to talk in his mother tongue Germany and spoke
in that language wherever he went and added that we must also learn English
to explore employment avenues. Learning and having sufficient knowledge of
our mother tongue is the proven asset of any citizen.  Every year Diocese
of Bombay sends its students aspiring for priesthood to have vocal and
reading knowledge of Konkani in Goa.  One such aspirant Bro.John Pereira of
Gurgao has joined the crash course in Romi Konkani, Fr.Gomes informed.

Premanand A. Lotlikar, President of Dalgado Konknni Akademi, Vincy Quadros,
Secretary of Dalgado Konkani Akademi and Bro. John Pereira were on the dais
along with Fr. Gomes.  Around 60 participants from in and around Borim have
enrolled for the course. This course will culminate on  27th April 2014
without a holiday in between.

Premanand A. Lotlikar in his presidential address called upon the
participants to preserve our mother tongue, as it is the only weapon to
safeguard Gõykarponn.

Vincy Quadros, Secretary of the Akademi while welcoming, called upon the
particpants to take advantage of the schemes of the Akademi.  Raymond
Rodrigues  proposed the vote of thanks while Walter Menezes, Treasurer of
the Akademi compered the function.


Photo No. 0022 - Fr. Manuel Gomes lighting the traditional lamp. Others
seen are Premanand A. Lotlikar, vincy Quadros, Walter Menezes and Bro. John

Photo : ROmi Course - shows the participants along with Fr. manuel Gomes,
Premanand A. Lotlikar, DKA President, Vincy Quadros, DKA  Secretary, Walter
Menezes, DKA, Treasurer and Bro, john Pereira

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