I read with interest both Selma Carvalho's article and Gabe Menezes' summarized 
counter contentions and links.

Since it is not very clear to me where Selma went wrong, I would be interested 
Gabe, if you point out the contradictory facts for the benefit of an average 
reader like me.

I am sure Selma would be happy to make corrections for the project if 
justified, that was very well received by a majority of the East African Goans, 
including those quite sceptical to the point of hostility at the beginning.

In the end it's not you or anyone else against her praiseworthy efforts Gabe, 
it's about a Goan creation of records for posterity about a part of our 
community that settled in a far away continent and brought credit not only to 
themselves, but to all Goans as well.

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