On 27th April Justice Rajendra Mal Lodha takes over as the next Chief
Justice of India. The no nonsense Justice Lodha is no stranger to Goa who
while as Judge of the Bombay High Court presiding over the Goa Bench having
delivered many landmark judgments. Now with a very short tenure of just
five months as Chief Justice he may not be able to do much while grappling
with the over 65,000 cases pending before the Supreme Court.

In times when money and muscle power is solely determining the heights our
Politicians can peak, the task of the Judiciary becomes all the more
pertinent, crucial and vital

Judges should judge every case on merit and should never ever be swayed by
the status of the parties to the case or the faces of the advocates
representing the parties. A good judge has to be extremely fair and never
be ever influenced by any factor other than the rule of law. Justice has to
be dispensed with proper application of mind, cautiously yet promptly.
Judges should be politically unbiased. That some from the Goa Judiciary are
infatuated with the saffron brigade is a matter of deep concern.  Over the
years India has witnessed some extremely good judges and Justice Lodha tops
that list. We have also seen some from the other end of the spectrum and on
them less said the better. Everything possible needs to be done to
strengthen the integrity of the Courts – the Temples of Truth. Courts
should never end up being perceived as Casinos.

Caroline Kennedy had rightly said “The bedrock of our democracy is the rule
of law and that means we have to have an independent judiciary, judges who
can make decisions independent of the political winds that are blowing”.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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