On 24 April 2014 16:04, Mervyn Maciel <mervynels.watuwasha...@gmail.com>wrote:

> As I've said before, and I make no apology for repeating it here  - we,
> Goans
> from East Africa,should be proud that Selma Carvalho, someone who had
> never set foot on African soil before, has done so much in preserving a
> slice of
> our history for posterity. None of us, former British Goans from East
> Africa, had
> ever attempted such a task before.
>   My good friend, Dr. Christine Nicholls, who edited Selma's recent book
> "A Railway runs through" had this to say in a private message to me:
> "I enjoyed working on Selma's book. She did a lot of research and has told
> a fascinating story. "
>    By all means, let us be constructive in our criticism, but also
> honourable to
> give praise where praise is due.
> Mervyn Maciel

RESPONSE: I have not read the book, if it is about British East African
Goans, who emigrated to the U.K. then it is completely wrong to state/infer
that their emigration was made possible because of the Steam ship, the
Railways and the car! It was Air Transport and I make no apologies for
pointing this out as a fact. If it was about our forefathers then again it
is wrong, as I have stated, Cars and the Railways did not  make this
possible not even Steam ships; someone told me 'They came in Dhows"...


Gabe Menezes.

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