So Socrates provoked a discussion, and some !
      I am concerned for students at the college:
 I see job resumes dropped in a bin with added relish, by the likes of Ambani.  
On Thursday, April 24, 2014 12:03 PM, Jimmy de Corla <jimcorla@ wrote:
Fr Frazer Mascarenhas had made a huge difference to St Xavier's College over 
the past six or seven or eight years he has been there. Some years ago, when 
Aditya Thackeray, grandson of Bal Thackerary and a student in Xavier's, led a 
movement to ban Rohinton Mistry's book, he showed rare courage in standing up 
to him. Now he has done it again, speaking up as a teacher and a thinking human 
being, to guide his students on the issues of the day. Of course, his letter 
has kicked up a storm -- every city paper has headlines on it. But that's what 
education is about and that's what it is meant to do -- stir up minds, young 
and old, provoke a discussion like Socrates did in his time. 

>In the background of Elections
>What is human development?
>The approaching elections have brought an interesting discussion to the public 
>forum on what constitutes human development and how it is to be achieved. The 
>Gujarat model has been highlighted for our consideration. That is very apt 
>because it puts in stark contrast two current views. Is the growth of big 
>business, the making of huge profits the achievement of high production – what 
>we seek? Or is it the quality of life for the majority in terms of affordable 
>basic goods and services and the freedom to take forward the cultural 
>aspirations of our plural social groups that make up India?
>Gujarat may be doing well in the first sense, although not as good as some 
>other States in the country. But all the Human Development Index indicators 
>and the cultural polarization of the population show that Gujarat has had a 
>terrible experience in the last 10 years. Take the example of education: 
>schools for the ordinary populace show abject neglect with a very high dropout 
>rate in the last 10 years. Higher Education has not been allowed to move 
>To take just an example, St. Xavier’s College Ahmedabad, thrice NAAC 
>accredited with an equivalent of the A grade, has not been able to gain 
>permission from the Gujarat Government for Academic Autonomy, for the last 10 
>years and has finally won a battle in the High Court to approach the UGC 
>directly for this status. Gujarat has also been the worst performer in 
>settling claims and distributing title deeds to tribal people and other forest 
>dwellers, as shown by the latest data put out by the Union Tribal Affairs 
>Ministry. Till 2013, the State, with 15 percent tribal population, settled 
>only 32 per cent of the claims, the lowest rate in the country. 
>As opposed to this, efforts like the Rojgar Yojana and the Food Security Act 
>have been  called “election sops”. However some of our best social scientists 
>like Amartya Sen and Jean Dreze have supported these as necessary in the 
>emergency economic situation  the country and the world is facing. The country 
>is grateful that committed activists like Aruna Roy and Shailesh Gandhi have 
>worked with the Government to initiate and sustain the Right to Information 
>Act which makes accountability possible. Corruption still needs to be 
>addressed effectively but since it is so prevalent at every level of society, 
>it will take civil society long agonizing efforts to root it out.
>A massive investment in health and education is sorely needed in our country 
>of widening disparities and those who support big business and its unethical 
>profits will never agree to such public expenditure for the masses. In fact, 
>the worsening situation of environmental degradation and depletion, in the 
>lunge for growth and profit, shows up the real intentions of the greedy. None 
>can withstand this, as seen by the many clearances given in a week’s time 
>after the recent change of guard at the Central Environment Ministry, which 
>had earlier tried to hold the line under a different Minister.
>So what lessons does a reflection on the approaching elections teach us? The 
>prospect of an alliance of corporate capital and communal forces coming to 
>power constitutes a  real threat to the future of our secular democracy. 
>Support for people who pledge to work to take Human Development Indicators 
>higher and who commit themselves to a pluralistic culture in diverse India – 
>this is the hope for the future. No magic wand or divine miracles will come to 
>the aid of the Indian people. Their reasoned choice of individuals and 
>political parties who promise to work for a real quality of life for all, will 
>see India prosper or flounder on the precipice. Choose well!
>Dr. Frazer Mascarenhas S.J.

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