Whitaker Boa

Around nine one evening, I heard a loud squeak come from just outside my
room. I knew immediately that it was the sound of a rat in trouble. Torch
in hand I dashed out and was immediately treated to the sight of a Whitaker
Boa strangling the life out of a small rodent.

Knowing that neither the boa nor the rat was going anywhere soon I dashed
back into my room! In less than twenty seconds I was back out with my
camera crouching by the side of the snake. Whitaker boas have notoriously
poor eyesight so the torch light wasn’t going to be an issue at all. I
stepped around the snake cautiously to make sure I didn’t’ produce too many
vibrations that could disturb it. But I might as well have been stomping
around since the snake was too involved in squeezing its struggling prey!
It seemed as though as long as I didn’t directly breathe on the snake it
would remain unconcerned by me being so close to it!

In a few minutes the rat was effectively suffocated and very dead. A minute
after the rodent had stopped moving the boa relinquished its hold on the
little animal and then began flicking its tongue. I knew of course that it
was trying to locate its prey’s head. Apparently the head of a rat smells
different from the rest of its body and a snake’s tongue is sensitive
enough to tell the difference.

Convinced that it had finally located the head, the reptile slowly opened
its jaws and clamped them around the rodent’s muzzle. Then, as I clicked
away with my camera, it began ‘walking’ its upper jaw along the body of the
rat. As one side of snake’s upper jaw maintained a firm hold on the mouse
the other side would lift up, move ahead and sink back in. Then the same
process would repeat with the other side of the upper jaw.

By the time the snake’s mouth was upon the shoulders of the rodent, its
lower jaw had fully disengaged from the upper jaw. It moved independently
of the upper jaw but nevertheless kept pace with it. In less than ten
minutes the snake had completely engulfed the rodent. With the rodent now
securely inside its belly the snake began flicking its tongue again.
Perhaps to find a burrow to crawl into, or maybe to find another rodent!

Much as I was ok with having the boa around I couldn’t take a chance having
it hanging around the front of my room. It wouldn’t be long before my dog
or a cat found it and started harassing it. So I gently picked it up with
my snake hook and placed it in a thickly forested patch on the other side
of our compound wall. Being a boa, I knew, it would be at least another two
months before it would need food again!



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