It is an autonomous body having to perform onerous task of monumental
proportions .It does take decisions in consultations with the Govt. about
dates of holding elections. In a General Election of these gigantic
magnitude , it has to factor in multitudes of tasks .It is fairly  fair in
its affairs and its integrity, credibility are beyond reproach, It has been
praised, commended for its work by foreign agencies and Governments   Many
a times it comes in for  severe criticism specially by the opposition
parties accused of pursuing covertly the  agenda of the ruling party.,
Seshan was  admonished for not consulting the other members and since then
it has been ordained as a joint responsibility, rather than acting with
whims and fancies of single member. It has to depend on appointed
subordinates to carry out its functions different places in different
states. It is sensitive to the integrity of the concerned officers and acts
with caution. Some officers who are doubted about their allegiance to the
ruling party in the place are shifted; The states cry foul about some
decisions of transfers and even defy the writ of CEC In all this exercise
of planning, logistics, security, training, right up to the counting of
votes, conducting fair and free polls without booth capturing, rigging,
intimidation, threats and violence is a gigantic task. In such an exercise
of this enormity some slips and oversights are normal, but not
intentionally designed. Some re-polls are even being ordered, where there
is aberration of the rule. In all this exercise it has to depend on the
integrity of its personal , selected and posted on the scene. Just to doubt
their credibility because of loud, boisterous  noises by the politicians is
unfair to these individuals casting aspersions on their character and
loyalty to E.C

The EC has to face enormous incidents of election code violations by all
parties, The cross and counter claims are exaggerated, demanding
vociferously immediate actions, at times extreme remedies, The EC has to
check, verify from first hand material and depend on the judgement of
appointed officers in situ, When the team is losing, it is always
convenient to blame the referee. It is a voluntary code accepted by
consensus by all political parties. Yet they defy the provisions with mean
personal attacks with derogatory language, appealing to religious and caste
politics, Instead of exercising self-refrain , the political parties want
to apportion blame to EC for being bias ,soft pedaling, showing undue
influence to high profile candidates or the ruling dispensations

EC does not enjoy drastic powers to tame any candidates or party for
violations .For all practical purposes it has acted within its confines,
firmly, admirably admonishing the wrong actions and the candidates
concerned, Fortunately the politicians cannot paint the EC with the dirty
brush, as the Institutions is not dependent of their survival in office on
the dictat of winners or losers

The EC in its functions depends on utmost co operation of all political
parties and candidates to conduct free and fair polls The greatest
dissension is felt from main political parties and their high profile
candidates, election agents and managers Everyone feels they are right in
their utterances, actions and accusations of  voluntary  election code of

If the parties want to give more specific teeth to so called presumed
violations, then be it so through amended statutes. Once the elections are
over  the din and dust will settle with no party bothering to usher in
desirable changes, Under the circumstances the Election Commission and its
members are doing a wonderful job in the conduct of greatest general
elections in a Democracy. They deserve appreciation for this thankless job

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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