*Press Note*

*For Favour of Publication*

*TAG to condole Tiatr Artiste Prisco’s Death*

Prisco Corte  a versatile artiste of the tiatr stage and husband of tiatr
artiste Rosy Alvares who has done yeomen service to the tiatr stage died on
17th April 2014.

Born on 19th June 1962 Prisco began his professional carrier at Mumbai and
excelled in acting and singing. Some of the noted  tiatr directors whom
Prisco has served in their tiatrs are C. Alvares, Rosario Rodrigues,
Patrick Dourado,Menino Mario, etc.

In order to condole his death and pay respects to his departed soul Tiatr
academy of Goa has called for a Condolence Meet on Wednesday, 14th May 2014
at 4:00 p.m. at the Black Box, Ravindra Bhavan, Margao.

All tiatr artistes and tiatr lovers are requested to attend the meet.

*Victor de Sa*

*Member Secretary*

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