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Dear Carmo, Here's today's 2nd media onslaught on the IIT. Did you receive the 
first? Apparently no-one wants IITians any more! Do you think it's because they 
might be NIIT-WIITs?  Best retards,  Francis. _________________ Full Story can 
be found at http://www.dnaindia.com/report.asp?NewsID=1084221

Are coaching factories tarnishing brand IIT?Bhamy ShenoyAt a recent event 
organised at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chennai, Tata Steel 
managing director B Muthuraman expressed disenchantment with its graduates. "We 
are not likely to recruit them any longer," he said, adding his company 
preferred students from other colleges, who, though less endowed, were more 
amenable to company training. IIT guys tend to think too much of 
themselves.Reality is that brand IIT thrives on its past reputation. The Tata 
Steel chief, recalling his recent interaction with some final-year students of 
IIT Chennai, observed they could not even name the authors of the subject books 
they were supposed to have studied. He later found out that the students were 
able to clear the tests without having to read books. He was in for further 
shock on discovering that their teachers were no more knowledgeable about the 
subjects they were supposed to teach.A reason for this sorry state is in the 
method students adopt to get admitted to IITs. On the one hand IIT admissions 
have been praised for being free from corruption and undue interference. 
Surveys by foreign universities ranked IITs quite high. And yet a section of 
corporate India is sceptical of IIT graduates. Why? Because most of them resort 
to coaching shops to gain entry into IIT. Tough standards set by the examining 
board drive students to coaching shops, to secure high ranks in the Joint 
Entrance Exam (JEE) and, once in IIT, these students tend to ignore the rigours 
of higher education. Around 95 per cent of the candidates seeking admission 
into IITs go through coaching shops, paying high fees. The amount of money 
spent by IIT aspirants attending the coaching factories is about Rs20 billion 
per year. About 160,000 students take JEEs and 3,500 are admitted to the 
IITs.The distorted impact of assembly line coaching taken by candidates is 
indicated by the percentage of students admitted to IITs from different states 
in southern India. During a recent year under review, 979 candidates from the 
south zone secured admission. Of them, 769 were from Andhra Pradesh. Andhra 
Pradesh may well be producing bright IIT entrants, but those from the other  
states can't be that poor. Mushrooming of IIT tutorials and coaching factories 
in Hyderabad may have much to do with the JEE results. During the past 21 
years, coaching for IIT admission has become the norm. Candidates who are into 
IIT coaching right from their final schooling years have put IIT tuition before 
their studies.  The all-important entrance tests system has resulted in 
producing IIT aspirants with a one-track mindset. By the time they start 
studies at IITs, they feel burnt out. These students are good at the technique 
of answering questions, without grasping the underlying concepts. IIT 
professors have written many papers criticising the present competitive testing 
procedure.Instead of giving ranks purely on the basis of JEE performance, IITs 
can adapt multiple criteria, giving a weighted score. Some of the criteria are 
JEE test scores, some marks for showing leadership qualities, marks for 
demonstrating social concern and talents in sports, arts, etc.Bhamy Shenoy is 
an alumnus of IIT Madras and an energy expert. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
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