The promise, and peril, of Modi's mandate

16 May 2014

The promise, and peril, of Modi’s mandate

Siddharth Varadarajan

          If the struggle of Narendra Modi for power is the
          struggle of forgetting over memory, his victory
          represents a collective leap towards an uncertain

Mr Modi's remarkable election campaign may have been fuelled
by unprecedented sums of money and magnified by the logic of
the first-past-the-post system -- which converted a 12
percentage point difference in vote share with the Congress
into a 600 per cent difference in seats -- but it has helped
him banish, for all intents and purposes, the lingering
shadows of a darker past.

Troubling questions about his record that were met earlier
with menacing silence or anger, but never answers, can no
longer be asked.  With the absolute majority Mr Modi has now
delivered for the BJP, a new ledger of accounts has been
opened.  Any audit of his record will henceforth be on his
own terms.

Narendra Damodar Modi asked the electorate for 272+ seats and
they have given it to him.  He asked voters for a
'Congress-mukt Bharat' -- an India free of the Congress --
and they have handed it to him.  So reviled was the
Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government and so
terrible its record of governance that the party has
justifiably suffered the worst defeat in its 129-year

The 'Modi Wave' left nearly 60 per cent of the electorate
cold and failed to make a major dent in those states where
regional parties still enjoy a high degree of credibility
with voters like Tamil Nadu, Odisha and West Bengal but it
has wrecked the Congress everywhere. The wave swept through
Uttar Pradesh, where it also managed to draw away voters from
the Bahujan Samaj Party if not from the Samajwadi Party, and
of course Bihar too.

          With the Congress winning less than 55 seats, the
          16th Lok Sabha will not have an Official Opposition
          or a formal Leader of the Opposition.  Ever
          reluctant to shoulder responsibilities in a
          competitive environment, Rahul Gandhi is once again
          off the hook.  But the question of an effective
          opposition so essential for democracy is not merely
          a formal one.

Taken together, MPs from national parties like Congress, the
Left and the Aam Aadmi Party will barely add up to 60.

Regional parties like the AIADMK, the TRS and the Biju Janata
Dal, which are non-ideological, or the Trinamool Congress,
which veers towards populism but is essentially
Bengal-centric, are unlikely to show much interest in, let
alone challenge, the Modi government on a large number of
crucial areas of policymaking.

Mr Modi will lack a majority in the Rajya Sabha for at least
the next year so he will either cut deals with regional
parties to ensure the passage of legislation in the upper
house or look for ways to take executive decisions,
especially in the economic and financial sphere where
discretionary powers abound.

Indeed, BJP leaders close to the incoming Prime Minister have
already drawn up a list of measures that could be implemented
by administrative fiat. Spared the burden of filling his
cabinet with allied parties, Mr Modi will have the freest
hand of any Prime Minister since Rajiv Gandhi.

So far, he ran a 'presidential' style campaign. His style of
governance is likely to be equally 'presidential'. To the
extent this streamlines decision-making, this will have a
positive impact. But to the extent this concentrates
authority in a 'power vertical,' his style could be harmful too.

          While the Indian corporate sector and native and
          foreign investors in the stock market are justified
          in celebrating the arrival of a "right wing",
          business-friendly government, this is not
          necessarily the side of 'Modinomics' that most BJP
          voters would like to see.  Mr. Modi campaigned
          hard on a platform of economic development, job
          creation and an efficient administration, and the
          40 per cent of voters who backed the BJP-led
          alliance did so because they believe he will
          deliver on these promises.  But contradictions
          exist, especially in areas where satisfying the
          aspirations of a corporate constituency -- for
          example in the area of labour reform -- will
          perforce end up undermining the aspirations of
          voters for jobs and job security.

Another area to watch closely will be the Modi government’s
attitude towards law and order, and especially the right of
vulnerable citizens -- women, minorities, adivasis and dalits
-- to security, justice and equity.

Mr Modi lost a golden opportunity during the election
campaign to assure India's Muslims that they would be safe
under him when his attention was drawn to VHP leader Pravin
Togadia's suggestion that violence be used to evict a Muslim
family in Bhavnagar that had bought a house in a so-called
Hindu area.

As Gujarat's Chief Minister and Home Minister, Mr Modi could
have reached out to the Muslim family and assured them -- and
by extension all of India's Muslims -- that they had the
right to live and work wherever they liked in India and that
he would defend their right to do so.  Sadly, he made no such
effort.  All he did was tweet his disapproval of those
"claiming to be BJP's well wishers [who] are deviating the
campaign from the issues of development & good governance."

Will Mr Modi as Prime Minister be more concerned about the
insecurity Indian Muslims feel than he was as a candidate for
the job? Will he find a way to reach out to this crucial
section of the population which today views him with
distrust? Or will he regard any talk about addressing their
concerns and fears as "appeasement"?

          Mr Modi's critics can be forgiven for feeling a
          knot in their stomach today but this is not the
          first time the Indian electorate has ignored the
          unpleasant baggage a candidate brings and been
          seduced by the dream of technology, development and
          corruption-free government.

          In December 1984, Rajiv Gandhi won 404 seats barely
          a month after his Congress party presided over the
          mass murder of Sikhs in Delhi, Kanpur, Bokaro and
          other north Indian cities.  Rajiv was an attractive
          figure for young voters who embodied the same kind
          of technocratic promise that Mr Modi does today.
          The mandate Rajiv received was even more decisive.
          He ran a government with virtually no checks and
          balances, and was the darling of the corporate
          sector.  But as his failures mounted, the
          temptation to create iversions and play the
          politics of vote-banks proved irresistible.

This is the future an India under Narendra Modi must avoid at
all costs.

Siddharth Varadarajan is Senior Fellow,  Center for Public
Affairs and Critical Theory, SNU New Delhi, India. He is the
former editor of The Hindu. Website:
Twitter: @svaradarajan

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