A word on the HCN's Debate with the Congress'  Deflated Young Turks
I was watching, by chance, the debate between HCN' s  Rupesh  and the  
Congress' young turks  comprising Sunil Kauntankar, Pratima Coutinho [whose 
sleeping partner and huband is a BJP] and Ulfran ... .

Well , frankly speaking, I give it to Rupesh, who was dominating the debate 
against the Congress, and I was taking a doze of and on, waiting for some 
interesting part to come about. And it actually did, when Rupesh caught on to 
the statement made by Pratima to say that 2017 would see  CONGRESS RISEN, words 
to that effect.

And when Rupesh put it to Sunil if he agreed on this, he said why not?
and went on to explain that 2017 would see Congress fielding young turks, 
having no past criminal records, ones who will work for the people ( meaning 
congress voter), give them what they want and most importantly who will work 
for the people, meaning congress voters.

Yes, this has been very true since 1947 where Congress candidates have only 
worked for their voters, rest be damned.  That is why the Congress has been 
routed today. The message seems to be "you vote for us and we will give you 
whatever you want, mostly illegal things.

Sunil must learn to say that Congress in 2017 will amend the Panchayat Raj Act, 
1004 to hold the Sarpanches accountable and send them to jail for illegalities. 
Sunil must learn to say that Congress will follow the rule book that has been 
written down by the Contitution on India. Sad to say, these young turks of the 
Congress are actually the jokers that they are calling others. They do not know 
what the Congress System of governance is, because Congress has never had a 
System of Governance.

And, Pratima Coutinho must set her own house right. She has been vociferous in 
demanding the outright ouster of the Congress' black sheep, eaning Churchill 
Alemao and Mauvin Godinho. She must firstlearn to clear her own bed  and not be 
found sleeping with the enemy.


PS: The Congress' Panel for this debate was well chosen to  hammer  SECULARISM 
in the brains of the viewers, which Congress is not. Sunil Kauntankar [Hindu], 
Pratima Coutinho [Bloody Catholic] and Ulfran [the Ultimate Muslim]

Definition of a GOAN Secular Democratic Political Party:

"One that has no religion, caste, color,  but has respect for all.
One that does not look for votes but which is voted in.
One that will go about giving good governance whether it pleases or hurts 
One that will want to gain the confidence of  90% of the served public, 
striving hard to make it 100 %.
One that sees 'GOAN' in the faces of its people and not their religious/other 

You have just been introduced to GOA SU-RAJ PARTY-GSRP, the Goa's own 
blue-blooded political party of fourteen years standing, that has been born to 
look at GOANS  and GOA, FIRST.

Welcome  in. 'Your' participation is needed for it to stand tall and be counted 
[in 2017 Goa's elections]  to unleash all good things for GOA and GOANS which 
have been on the back-burner since 1961 and ' FORGOTTEN'  !


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