
In New Jersey, dogs are now allowed to bark for only half an hour. After that they are summarily taken down to the precinct and shot. Given your cacophony, that law is being extended to Indian Harbour.

You 'claim' to 'be' an IIT alumnus! Any institution that 'produced' you, can only be one for the criminally insane, one that needs to be swiftly closed down and all inmates fed rat-poison. It is an immutable law of Nature that if one has achieved greatness, no boasting is necessary. Obviously you fail.

I do not have to publicise my degrees, not even the Law one in Toronto that gives me the freedom, nay the right to sue the pants off you and the pathetic little fake institution you claim to 'work' for. Why don't you publish more slander??

Let's tackle your questions of my sporting interests and intelligence. I'm not even going to mention soccer, tennis, etc., but your pet peeve - hockey!! During the brief period I transited thru' Goa, I played enough hockey to be on the winning Inter-Collegiate teams (St. Xavier's), the Elitel, etc. I played centre and inside-left. It's common knowledge that only the quadriplegic play goalkeeper, due to their lack of mobility and intelligence - ring a bell?? Or did you take too many shots to the head?

Intelligence. 25 years ago, I was crowned Goa State chess champion. Runner-up was Hafiz Karmali, a genuine IIT alumnus, who had stood 2nd in the Western India JEE!! Check it out. Debate Mersenne or challenge me online. I've been FIDE Zone 4.2 President, played at the Elista Olympiad in Russia.

Current pics of me on the net show a fit, healthy young stud - of you there is only a paunchy, misshapen likeness, glaring in its hideous dress sense.
Here is Carmo Da Cruz in all his pompous, bombastic splendour !

Don't even go near our bloodlines or materialism. We've lived in enough lands to effectively buy and sell you and yours at a loss. On your part you claim to be related to mass-murderer Britto. Well done. If all you can do is kiss up and suck up to icons of clay, you would be better off in the elephant
section of Florida zoo. At least their trumpeting is genuine. Yours stinks.


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