On 29 May 2014 19:39, Eddie Fernandes <eddie.fernan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Rose Fernandes
> is it generally true that those who DID NOT live in East Africa have now
> become so fascinated by what went on there, they have now become more
> expert that those who actually DID.
> The answer lies in a GoaNet post of  7 June 2013 by Rose Fernandes:
>  ... no where have I seen anyone with such a love for East Africa as Selma.
> For enthusiasm alone, she gets a five star rating coupled with a capital
> 'E'. She knows her East Africanders better than they know themselves and
> tells their stories with such passion it is as though she lived through
> these stories herself...
> Read the full review at
> http://lists.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet-goanet.org/2013-June/536904.html
> Eddie Fernandes

COMMENT: Ever heard the word sardonic?  See also post on 16th May by Rose:-

 "Contrary to how you think, you are now fast becoming my second best friend,
the first place was taken a long time ago by someone else who I sincerely
have and will always have the greatest fondness for."

Unfortunately all the best search engines in the World cannot one help when
it comes to living a life; I guess I am more attune to this than some
having served in the Armed Forces!


Gabe Menezes.

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