Recent disturbances due some mischievous posts on social media have set the
communities on fire. We wonder as to how many people read such posts,
comment or forward and are influenced , instigated by them Social media
posts have limited viewership, unlike news papers
We are increasingly being intolerant, hypersensitive, aggressive and over
reacting with violence
Some one can easily fan passions as emotions are easy to instigate, No
reasons or analysis are done before flying off the handle It appears that
in this age we can be led blindly and are willing to be led
We fail to be reasonable to understand the motives and intentions and give
in to baser instinct in collective atmosphere, Criticism, satire, cartoons,
seem to be exciting us to violence, murder, destruction and mayhem
Then there are those who instigate for some narrow political or religious
gains, Yet others are willing to put the plan to action and target
indiscriminately unsuspecting, uninvolved victims  There is no doubt that
some  only stoke the fires from a distance. A politician has uttered that
the some action is desirable as a consequence disguised , couched as
natural consequences, while others encourage by inflammable remarks, which
encourage fringe elements to take it is approval
Pitching communities,  on caste , religious , ideology is favorite pastime
of our rulers, who feed on these strategies, Then there is constant blame
game of accusations between parties
Tough and swift action by law enforcing agencies should nip in the bud such
 disturbances in the society
Even when the law is clear the police is waiting for the gauze the mood of
the masters, Then they will delay, derail normal justice and probes, so
that public conscious being short the issues are soon forgotten It appears
that of late the low lying  activists are emboldened by the change in the
Govt. The condemnation and disapproval, censoring the erring politicians is
a grinding slow process
Though offensive posts and writings electronic media that set the community
on fire are to be best avoided, but what is the yardstick of not hurting
trivial sentiments, Offence is taken for the simplest things at every step,
which does not abode well for free expression with qualified limits, which
are difficult to be coded in every case, In stead of vandalizing public
property and taking law into their own hands, we n must be sensitized to
take recourse to legal procedure, however long drawn out it may be.
Otherwise the rule of jungle will prevail and innocent people will become
mindless targets The violators must be brought to justice expeditiously
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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