Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, [CHRI]-New Delhi &

Police Reforms Watch, Mumbai.


Re: Commonwealth Human Rights Initiaitive [CHRI ], New Delhi & Police Reforms 
Watch [PRW], Mumbai demand that better policing for a safer Maharashtra is not 
an option anymore. Citizens of Maharashtra will judge  the Government and the 
Politicians on this when they vote in this State elections.

.The UN recommends one police officer for every 450 citizens.  Maharashtra has 
a shortfall of 23,776 officers. Even if every sanctioned post were filled there 
would still be only one officer for every 618 citizens.  By contrast Delhi has 
one officer for every 251 citizens.

 Now we hear authoritatively that there   that there are 10 police personnel 
for each person designated a VIP in Maharashtra.  812 police personnel guard 84 
VIPs. No doubt the orderly system of having subordinate policemen in the 
exclusive service of seniors eats up another significant number. Can this be an 
acceptable level of police planning? 

Maharashtra has undertaken recruitment drives to add up to 14,000 officers  but 
if they are  to join the  bodyguards or the cadre of poorly trained Jeeves's, 
additional man power may change very little.  

 Governments have a  fundamental duty to keep people safe.  But the crime graph 
is growing all the while. Atrocities against Dalits are on the rise, with over 
two thousand cases registered in 2013.  Women are the victims of crime - 
endlessly. The police are blamed but the distortions in recruitment manpower 
and deployment mean that  policemen on operational duties do double and triple 
shifts without the necessary forensic or legal knowledge to win the war on the 
streets. This is a unfair on both to the police and the public. 


If, as the Supreme Court required,   Maharashtra had a bipartisan independent 
state security commission  that made sure that  police performed better and had 
 solid long and short term plans to make them fit for purpose with adequate 
money, equipment, manpower, techniques, reasonable conditions of work all this 
could be cured. The police deserve this. 

 Better policing for a safer Maharashtra is not an option any more. It is a 
necessity. A beginning must be made. Politicians must show the political will 
to create positive changes and not resist ideas that will make policing better 
and more accountable.  The people will judge them on this when they vote this 


Maja Daruwala                                                                   
       Dolphy Dsouza
Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative                                POLICE 
B-117, First Floor, Sarvodaya Enclave                                     43, 
Kalina, Santacruz East
New Delhi, INDIA, 110017                                                        
Mumbai 400 029.     
Tel No 91 11 43180205:4106 8605 (O)                                     Tel: 
email: direc...@humanrightsinitiative.org                           Email: 

Email: maja.daruw...@gmail.com                     

website: www.humanrightsinitiative.org

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