The utter lack of social sensibilities for recruitment of the SC and ST to
advertised positions at the Goa University is a gross violation of
constitutional and statutory guidelines.  The Goa University has been
bypassing reservations for posts of SCs and STs right from its very
inception. For nearly 15 years there were no reservations made at all, for
STs and STs in teaching positions. There were many instances of non Goan
candidates who tried to claim confirmation on SC/ ST posts by claiming that
they were lower castes in their states.
But the latest allegations that SC/ ST candidates were allegedly denied
selection, as elucidated in Herald, June 22 edition, under vice chancellor
Dr Satish Shetye and Registrar Dr Vijayendra Kamat, both Goans, needs to be
thoroughly investigated at the earliest by the government. As per UGC rules
general category candidate or an SC /ST candidate from other states cannot
be appointed on a reserved post in another state. The SC/ ST candidate thus
appointed has to be from the same state.  If such candidates are found
ineligible, the post has to be filled in temporarily and can under no
circumstances be converted to a general post ever. Thus allegations that
candidates from Tamil Nadu and other states were selected, would make Goans
wonder why when Goans are at the helm are caste, regionalistic or
nepotistic influences seeping into selections and who are involved?
A University as Studium Generale, or ‘School of Universal Learning,’ is
implied to be an assemblage of faculty and students from all parts in one
spot, so that cross cultural and universal learning takes place. However,
the important pre-condition for this kind of selection is that faculty
selected from outside the State, has to be renowned scholars who can
promulgate knowledge of a high order among Goan students. A scrutiny of
incumbents indicate that largely mediocre persons from ‘Gorakhpur, Kanpur,
UK (Uttar Kanara) and other places have been selected with no national or
international level academic achievements and teaching is abysmal as seen
from students who come out of the institution. Secondly, in nearly all
universities in India, most selections are done on fiercely parochial basis
such that in Andhra Pradesh, it was very difficult for candidate of one
region, say Telangana, to get selected as faculty in Seemandhra, let alone
from outside the state. Given this harsh reality, it is naive on the part
of Goans to believe that outside candidates with non English background and
mediocre achievements will help our students to excel as seen from the
quality of post graduates. Nearly 29 years of the existence of the Goa
University there have been very few exceptions to this trend, with very few
faculty who could fit the tag of “brilliant” as evidenced from their
It is high time that government train and groom Goan talent to take up
faculty positions in Goa University, by sending them abroad for learning.
The government of the day did not groom Goans for research and teaching
positions before founding the National Institute of Oceanography in the 70s
and Goa University in 1985, even as it gave acres of land and money to the
two institutions from Goan public money. It is true that Goans also work
elsewhere, but in most universities, ‘outside state’ faculty is a minority.

> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 07:21:37 +0530
> From: augusto pinto <>
> To: Augusto Pinto <>
> Subject: [Goanet] Goa University Denies SC / ST / OBC candidates
>         Reservations
> Message-ID:
>         <
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Comment: It looks like Goa University has a hot potato on its hands. But
> it's common knowledge that what happens there happens in the colleges as
> well. Incidentally all these candidates had the basic qualifications
> required.
> It seems to me that the bogey that people raise against those who avail of
> reservations is actually just that - a bogey - because candidates who are
> qualify for those reserved seats are subtly or otherwise denied the
> benefits that the law provides to enable them to improve their status in
> life.
> A lot of us may disagree with, dislike, indeed even hate the principle of
> reservations, but subverting the law in this manner is unjust. My own
> belief is that  denying reservations is a form of discrimination and by
> discriminating against others we ultimately hurt ourselves.
> Augusto
> --
  • ... augusto pinto
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

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