“PADRIPONN” (Priesthood) – Part 4 (Final)

We had some outstanding priests in Goa.  Here is an example:


St. Joseph's High School, Arpora was established in the year 1887. In those days it was called “Collegio” (Matriculation was one of the highest qualifications at the time.) It is the first English medium school in Goa, imparting education till date. Its motto was inscribed in Latin “Cibaria Necessaria Sumite Et Abite” which means ‘Take the Necessary Food and Depart.’ The school has completed 120 years of its fruitful existence. The founder of this institution was Fr. William Robert Lyons, a scholar and visionary.

Fr. Lyons started this institution in a house in Arpora, Bardez, Goa with few students. It grew in strength, popularity and standard with the passage of time. He got the school recognized by the University of Bombay in 1897. The school sent its first batch of students for Matriculation Examination in 1900.

Fr. Lyons, a pioneer of English Education in Goa, died in 1925. Fr. M. A. Lobo took charge of the school and worked with sincerity and dedication till 1937.

Fr. Felipe Neri Mendonça, an outstanding educationist and a strict disciplinarian, took over as the Principal in 1931. He was responsible for constructing a new school building which was inaugurated in 1937, on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the school.

Students from different parts of Goa, irrespective of caste, creed and religion, acquired qualitative education in the school. They excelled in studies, sports and co-curricular activities. The school became a nursery for eminent professors, doctors, engineers, lawyers, business executives, etc.

The school was renowned for its annual athletics meet, which was the most popular sporting event in the whole of Goa until Fr. Mendonça passed away. The highlight of the meet was the ‘drill’ with magnificent tableau, which was taught and conducted by Fr. Mendonça. He just stood at a point with a whistle in his mouth and guided the drill without moving an inch from the spot or doing any visible actions. The lead boys followed his eyes. Fr. Peter D’Souza assisted Fr. Mendonsa in conducting the ‘drill.’ During the tableau Fr. Mendonça enacted and displayed recent universal events then. People from far and near thronged around the ground to witness the tableau performed by the Arpora boys, as they were fondly known, and the air was filled with a thunder of applause every time an act was performed. I never missed the annual athletic meet.

The Government of India conferred the prestigious National Award for Excellence in Education on Fr. Mendonça for his valuable contribution on the field of education in Goa. He was the first Goan to get National Award in the liberated Goa. He passed away in 1966.

Subsequently, the school was handed over to Diocesan Society of Education and presently the school is administered by this Society under the care of Archbishop Rev. Fr. Filipe Neri Ferrao.

The idea of a Catholic college was actually conceived by the veteran educationalist Msgr. Filipe Mendonça, the then principal of St. Joseph High School, Arpora. He felt that with dawn of liberation a new climate was created in Goa favorable to the development of university education. His idea was welcomed by the archbishop patriarch, D. Jose Viera Alvernaz.

Msgr. Gregorio Magno Antão, the chancellor to the patriarch Curia initiated the idea to the Internuncio in New Delhi. A step further was the seeking of the approval to the project from the University of Bombay. It proved to be a Herculean task before the budding idea could be transformed into a reality. With initial difficulties overcome, the Archdiocese of Goa embarked on the ambitious scheme of starting the first university college in north Goa. A vacated high school building in Bastora, a few kilometers from Mapusa, would serve as a provisional arrangement for a modest beginning of what is today - St. Xavier’s College in Mapusa.
Fr. Mendonça was one of the pioneers of English schooling in Goa. We salute you, Fr. Mendonça for your contribution to the Goan society without which Goans would be poorer, especially in education. May his soul rest in peace.

We also had some priests, who recently received God’s call earlier than expected. Here are a couple of examples:

FR. FREDDY J. DA COSTA (1953-2004)

Here is a priest who did more than he could during his short lifetime:

In a horrific tragedy, Fr. Freddy J. da Costa died on the spot when their car collided head-on with a lorry at Haveri, near Hubli, in the early morning hours of May 17, 2004.

I have no words to express Fr. Freddy’s work. He was gifted with several skills. He was a living institution. He did not confine himself to religious matters alone. He got involved in many social and educational organizations. The type of the work he was involved in was not something that anybody could accomplish. He packed more years of living into his 51 years than destiny gave him. He was one in a million!

The unexpected death of Fr. Freddy has deprived the Goans and the Church of one of its most gifted priests. He was a man of integrity and transparency who was an exemplary parish priest at several Goan parishes, a teacher at the Seminary and an adviser to the die-hard Konkani enthusiasts. His deep pastoral sensitivity gave him an insight into many people’s lives with whom he developed strong and trustworthy friendships. The Church has lost a much loved priest and, for so many of us, Konkani lovers, the tiatrist fraternity, the musicians, the Konkani authors, a true and loyal friend.

Fr. Freddy had an easy manner and was at home with people from every walk of life. He had the gift of making you feel that you were the most important person in the world when talking with him. A person of great seriousness but at the same time extreme good humor, Fr. Freddy was ever ready to defend his strongly held Catholic beliefs but was also gracious companion, a reconciler who believed in the ‘dignity of differences.’ Those who worked with him found Fr. Freddy a loyal and trusted colleague. He had an incisive mind and the gift of clearly explaining difficult concepts and issues of importance to the community.

Fr. Freddy was a dynamic priest. After teaching Konkani and Hindi in the Saligao Seminary for several years, and as Chaplain of Our Lady of Candelaria Chapel at Porvorim, Fr. Freddy served the Bambolim and Siridao Parish as Pastor. During his pastoral life, he gave no reasons to believe that he neglected his pastoral duties though he was immersed in various social and cultural activities. On the contrary, he leaves behind an outstanding example to Pastors to break themselves from parochialism. He fulfilled his pastoral activities in ways that were new and creative. His mere presence would infuse life in the people who surrounded him. In Siridao, for example, he had organized more than 200 youth in the Parish who were with him to support all Parish activities.

As a priest, Fr. Freddy has done yeomen service in the religious field. In whichever parish he served, he always did it with dedication. He loved his flock and in turn they loved him. The raising of the monumental Shrine of the ‘Fulancho Khuris’ at Bambolim will remain concrete proof of his organizational skills. It is one of the few examples of his untiring and sincere efforts towards his people. He utilized all his talents in a creative way and always grew in the spring of love.

Fr. Freddy not only organized activities in the Parish for its various groups, but he made it a point to be present at all of them. He had a magical touch whereby he could do a number of things and do them to the best of his ability.

In describing Fr. Freddy as multifaceted personality during the homily of the Funeral Mass, Fr. Cristovão Caldeira, a close friend of Fr. Freddy compared his life to the ‘Unfinished Symphony’ composed by Schubert. “His life as a priest, his involvement in socio-cultural movements, his contribution to Konkani, the public relations he maintained with peoples of all religions, a dramatist, journalist, a social reformer, etc., has become a part of his unfinished life but definitely a harmonious one,” he said. In the years to come Fr. Freddy had nurtured many dreams which today will remain unfulfilled with his untimely death. The absence of his towering personality may have left a void but his unforgettable memory will definitely inspire many to fill in this vacuum left by him.

Fr. Freddy loved the Goan soil and its environment, Goa’s cultural ethos and the Konkani language. He was a pastor par excellence, whereby he always looked forward for collaborative efforts in making his parish grow. In his death, the Goa Archdiocese has lost a talented priest; among the priest fraternity, a fellow priest has been lost and in the field of journalism, a prolific journalist has passed away.

He will be remembered for his 22 years of dedication to his much cherished ‘GULAB’ – the only Roman script Konkani family magazine.

Fr. Freddy was born on July 20, 1953. He did his primary studies in his native village Varca, Salcete. He joined the Minor Seminary of Saligao at the tender age of nine, completed the six-year Humanities Course there and joined the Major Seminary of Rachol for Philosophical and Theological Studies. He was ordained priest on April 24, 1976. After finishing his Pastoral Training Course at Pius X Institute, Old Goa, he was appointed Prefect of Saligao for 14 years. He has an M.A. in Sociology. He was a member of the Board of Studies of GBSHSC, and a member of their textbook committee.

More than 300 priests concelebrated the funeral mass, the main celebrant being Archbishop Patriarch Filipe Neri Ferrao, flanked by other 2 Prelates namely; Archbishop Emeritus Henry D’Souza from Kolkatta and Bishop Cypriano Moniz from Assansol.

May Fr. Freddy be an inspiration to all of us.  May his soul rest in peace.


Fr. Alex D’Souza of Pilar Society and hailing from Macazana, Salcete was also killed in a tragic accident which occurred on December 26, 2006 at Sjuma village in Sangrur District in Punjab. Fr. Alex, who was the vice-principal at St. Xavier’s High School run by the Pilar Society in Sirsa, Punjab, was traveling along with five staff members in a Punjab state transport bus, which collided with a truck. He was the only son of Miguel & Esperança.

The sad and sudden demise of the 33-year old (Christ’s age on earth) Fr. Alex, did not only cast a gloom on the entire congregation but shattered his parents’ lives, as he left this world much earlier than thought. Death is not a question of age but a mortal certainty of our temporal abode on this earth. This ascertains the reality that death is resolutely blind to one’s age and stature.

Fr. Alex was a wonderful priest. He was liked by all. Some of the Anjunkars told me his mother was uncontrollable on the funeral day. She wailed continuously and compared her son to Jesus because of his age and repeatedly murmured: “Devan dhilo; Devan velo.” (God gave; God took away.) Keep in mind, for the parents their children always remain children, no matter whether they are married or ordained. Here was a priest who was born to a mother and died like any one of us. His love for his parents and their love for him was the same as ours. This is why we say priests are also human beings like us.

Fr. Alex resided in Anjuna church while he studied B.Ed at the Goa University in 2005. The sad news of his passing away shocked Anjunkars because he was closely associated with St. Michael’s Convent High School at Vagator, Anjuna. As a deacon, he played with Gaumvaddy boys. ACADEMIC: Fr. Alex spent about a month giving practice lessons at St. Michael’s at Vagator. He gave very good lessons with appropriate motivation. His aids for the lessons were creative. He would spend plenty of time in the school library to prepare for the lessons. He would spare no pains to make his lessons very interesting. With his friendly approach, he easily managed to come down to the level of the students, particularly in case of the weaker ones. At the end of the lesson the response was generally excellent. It was no wonder that Fr. Alex secured a distinction at the B.Ed examination! Co-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Fr. Alex would help in any co-curricular activity conducted at the school. At one of the school concerts, he put up an interesting play on “King Ashoka” with quite a big caste comprising students; he encouraged even the weaker and shy ones to perform. The result was a wonderful play under the skilful direction of Fr. Alex, the dramatist. Anjunkars still remember the beautiful hats, which he had made for the Portuguese dance “Corridinho”. THE PERSON – THE PRIEST: For all of us who came in contact with him, Fr. Alex will always remain a smiling, jovial and ever ready to help and motivate others. He was a holy priest and a friend to all. Fr. Alex was beginning to walk in the footsteps of the late Fr. Freddy but God had His own plans.

Nearly 100 priests from the Society as well as the Goa diocese participated in the Eucharistic service. May Fr. Alex’s soul rest in peace!


In the past, people were God-fearing. They lived a simple but happy life because they believed in God. They worked and lived for the day, exactly as we have been taught to pray, viz. “Amcho dispotto giraj aiz amkam dhi …” (Our Father, give us this day our daily bread …) They didn’t bother about tomorrow or generations to come and to make a provision for them.

There was not much evil around in those days. The biggest evil of today – money - was in shortage, which is why the saying, “money is power; power corrupts”, did not generally apply then. Prior to money, it was solely the usefulness of things that counted, so a man had only what he needed. But money enabled a man ‘to enlarge his possessions’ more than he needed and caused scarcity.

On the whole, life style was plain. Everyone’s mind was near pure temple. There hardly was a place for devil’s workshop. One got what he/she saw - nothing less nothing more. There was love, affection, support and cooperation among family members, which resulted in fruitful outcome.

However, gradually, ‘money evil’ took over the society, so much so when the elderly noticed money-steered behavior, they remarked: “Tacher duddvancho devchar bosla.” (Money evil has possessed him.)

They say, if there is peace in a family, there is peace in a ward; if there is peace in wards, there is peace in a village; if there is peace in villages, there is peace in towns and cities; if there is peace in towns and cities, there is peace in a state, and if there is peace in states, there is peace in a country. Today, we lack the very basics of life which is why we face so many problems and end up washing dirty linen in public.

Religion is nothing but a way of life – a discipline. It is based on principles and ethics. We have different types of ethics – work ethics, business ethics, religious ethics, and so on. There is no difference between educational and religious foundation. If we forget the alphabets or numbers we can neither write nor calculate. Similarly, if we forget the very basics of our religion that we learned in our childhood, how can we be good Christians and practice our religion?

Religion is installed in us in our childhood and we follow it naturally as we grow up. As adults, it is up to us to follow the religious principles and ethics or discard them; nobody can force us; not even our parents. Having molded children’s character in their early stage of life, parents can only watch and either appreciate good results or feel sorry for them. At the most, parents may advise their grown up children but they cannot impose religion on them – at least not at present times. Our ancestors were not highly educated but they followed their inborn instinct and lived their lives accordingly. They lived happily without saying a word against religion and left the justice to God.

Every child is christened with baptism after which he/she is taught the catechism and given the knowledge of the religion. It is the priest from whom we receive the First Holy Communion. He is also the one who unites us in the holy matrimony and accompanies us to the cemetery when we are dead.

In the past, we had Parochial Schools in Goa where a mistir (teacher) taught children to read and write; he also taught them music notes. Priests also helped in the teaching process. Gradually, over the years, these schools disappeared but schools run by the Archdiocesan Board of Education sprang up all over Goa. The Board has under its umbrella more than 150 Catholic institutions imparting education in the State.

Besides some of the most famous Catholic-run schools like St. Anthony’s High School, Monte de Guirim, of which I am an alumnus, St. Britto’s High School, Mapusa, Don Bosco High School, Panaji, to name a few, which have been forerunners in promoting education, here are some of the diocesan-affiliated schools, majority of them area wise, spread all over Goa:

St. Lawrence High School (DSE), AGASAIM – 2218789
St. Anne's Institute, (DSE) AGONDA – 2647093
Mae de Deus High School (DSE), ALDONA - 2384229
Sacred Heart High School (DSE), ANJUNA – 2274366
Our Lady of Mount Carmel High School (DSE), ARAMBOL – 2292612
Regina Martyrum High School (DSE), ASSOLNA - 2773393
Our Lady of Candelaria High School (DSE), BAINA – 2515093
St. Aloysius High School (DSE), BENAULIM – 2772595
St. Jude's High School (DSE), BETALBATIM - 2880035
Our Lady of Grace High School (DSE), BICHOLIM – 2362040
St. Theresa of Jesus H. School (DSE), CANACONA - 2643327
St. Theresa's High School (DSE), CANDOLIM – 2276550
St. Theresa's Higher Sec. School (DSE), CANDOLIM – 2276998
St. Thomas High School (DSE), CANSAULIM – 2754241
Sacred Heart of Jesus H. School (DSE), CARMONA – 2745383
Holy Cross Institute (DSE), CAVELOSSIM - 2871606
St. Joseph's Edn. Institute (DSE), CHANDOR - 2784470
Mount Mary High School (DSE), CHINCHINIM – 2863616
Mount Mary High Sec. (DSE), CHINCHINIM – 2862548
St. Bartholomew's High School (DSE), CHORAO – 2239421
Infant Jesus High School (DSE), COLVA – 2780911
St. Xavier Vidyalaya (DSE), CORGAO(Maina) – 2241195
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour High School (DSE), CORTALIM - 2550732
Our Lady of Health High School (DSE), CUNCOLIM – 2763858
Our Lady  of Health High School (DSE), CUNCOLIM – 2763858
Our Lady of Carmel H. School (DSE), CURTORIM - 2786422
Immaculate Conception High School (DSE), DABAL – 2618272
Our Lady of Desterro H. School (DSE), DESTERRO (Vasco da Gama) – 2522412
Our Lady of Rosary School (DSE), FATORDA - 2741275
St. Anthony's High School (DSE), GALGIBAGA – 2632226
St. Andrew's High School (DSE), GOA – VELHA – 2218613
Saviour of the World High School (DSE), LOUTOLIM - 2777050
St. Francis Xavier High School (DSE), MACASANA – 2787802
St. Rita's High School (DSE), MAINA (Curtorim) - 2786294
St. Anthony's High School (DSE), MAJORDA – 2754060
Fr. Basilio Andrade Memorial Higher Sec. School (DSE), MAJORDA – 2754332
St. Xavier's College (DSE), MAPUSA - 2262356 (Office)
St. Xavier's Higher Sec. School (DSE), MAPUSA – 2250233
Our Lady of Rosary H. School, Fatorda (DSE), MARGAO – 2741275
Our Lady of Merces H. School (DSE), MERCES – 2235797
St. Xavier's Higher School (DSE), MOIRA - 2293679
St. Joseph's High School (DSE), NAGOA (Bardez) – 2275657
Rosary High School (DSE), NAVELIM - 2737940
Rosary Higher Sec. School (DSE), NAVELIM - 2722436
Rosary College of Commerce and Arts (DSE), NAVELIM - 2736864
Mae Dos Pobres High School (DSE), NUVEM - 2791178
St. Anthony's High School (DSE), PANCHVADDI – 2309594
Our Lady of Divar High School (DSE), PIEDADE(Divar) – 2280155
St. Elizabeth's H. School (DSE), POMBURPA – 2295218
Our Lady of Snows High School (DSE), RAIA - 2777236
O.L.of Victory Primary School (DSE), REVORA – 2299294
Santa Cruz High/H.Sec. School (DSE), SANTA CRUZ - 2228378
Fr. Agnelo Konkani Primary School (DSE), SANVORDEM(Curchorem) – 2650642
Our Lady of Rosary Primary School (DSE), SIRIDAO - 2219622
St. Joseph's School (DSE), SIRODA – 2306512
Our Lady of Socorro Primary School (DSE), SOCORRO - 2413523
Mother of the Poor High School (DSE), TILAMOLA – 2662539
St. Rock's High School, (DSE) TOLECANTTO (Velim) - 2773292
Don Bosco High School (DSE), TUEM - 2240247 / 9
Our Lady of Lourdes High School (DSE), UTORDA - 2755603
Our Lady of Lourdes High School (DSE), VALPOI - 2374534
St. Mary's High School (DSE), VARCA - 2745009
St. Andrew's Higher Sec. School (DSE), VASCO DA GAMA - 2513048
St. Andrew's Institute (DSE), VASCO DA GAMA - 2510201
St. Xavier' High School (DSE), VELIM - 2773597
Marina High School (DSE), VERNA - 2783959

Can you imagine Goa without these plus various other Catholic/Private Schools? Anjuna itself has two Catholic-run educational institutions – Sacred Heart of Jesus High School and St. Michael’s Convent High School.

My heart bleeds to write here that school dropout rate in Anjuna is one of the highest on the coastal belt – 35%! Can we blame the Board alone for this? I don’t think so. We must blame ourselves and strive to improve the situation by controlling our children better and convincing them that education pays in the long run rather than encourage them to go for easy money by saying: “Xikon konn feliz zala vo Degree zoddun konnank sirvis mellta?” (Who has prospered by studying or who gets a job by earning a Degree?)

It is the priests who have sacrificed their lives, brought about drastic improvement in villages and towns in Goa and brightened our children’s future. The result can be seen in our children’s overall progress who took up important positions in various fields. Thank you Church for giving us priests who uplifted our society.

The only kind of luxury that priests enjoyed in the past was ready made food prepared by the “kuzner” (cook) but sometimes when he was sick or went on an emergency, they had no other alternative but to help themselves. Once, when I was around 6 years old, I went in the church kitchen to drink water from an earthen “moddko” (pot), which was located beside the kitchen door. I was surprised to see the Padr Kur grind massala on a “ghonnsunno” which was on the other side of the door. Priests even washed and ironed their own clothes. Priests are human beings like us, graced yet frail, who do what all of us are called for - to search for God and to respond to Him at every moment of our lives. They grow up the same way we do and learn household work like anyone of us.

Speaking of ready made food, we had a hefty parish priest in our church in the mid 1950s. He was so fat that he could hardly enter the machilla (palanquin,) which is why the pede always cursed him, and so did the “kuzner” because he was asked to cook a variety of dishes.

Most priests then served the parish on foot - very few made use of machillas or palanquins – we have two of them in our church – but this particular parish priest insisted on being carried in a palanquin even to the place where the new paddy sheaves are blessed, which is hardly two hundred meters from the church. Well, there are always exceptions. Luckily for the pede, he lasted in our church only for around a year.

If you want to know how priests and nuns serve the downtrodden, you have to visit remote areas where the missionaries function. In 1989, I accompanied a priest and a nun in a remote area in the Karnataka State. They traveled deep into a jungle in a jeep where there was not even a proper road; the driver just kept driving the 4-wheeler over the rocks. Finally, we arrived at a place where over 100 children were waiting for us, most of them barely clad. They lived in thatch huts. One adult girl taught them in a large thatch hut.

What did the missionaries carry for them? Three basketful each bread and bananas! It was the biggest gift they could receive perhaps in days. I could read the hunger on their faces. Tears rolled down my eyes when I saw their plight. They were angels in the form of poverty. I felt so much for them that I couldn’t return home without sharing with them.

Yes, these are the priests who are not only doing service to humanity but helping us help the downtrodden and needy. They walk bare feet with them and give them company. They feed them and clothe them and keep them alive just to be blamed for forcible conversions, which are not true; I have seen it with my own eyes. If the missionaries don’t reach them, there is every possibility you will find a pile of bones when you visit the place next because they are shut off from the world. They are the lost sheep in the jungle which is found and looked after by none other than our priests who are God’s instruments. Mother Theresa was such an instrument for the downtrodden in India.

If you want to support a cause, please do so by all means, but don’t let your left hand know what your right hand does. You give/offer something to a person or a church or an institution with an intention. The moment it (the gift/money) leaves your hands it becomes somebody else’s property/responsibility; so, don’t worry about it. If that something is misused by somebody else, he/she will be accountable for that. Remember, you gave it because you could afford it; so, don’t even think about it again. Do we ask for an account of a gift given to a person on his/her birthday or anniversary, or reclaim it?

Even the living saint, Mother Theresa, was blamed for receiving donations from the underworld. She received what was given to her to support the poor and the downtrodden.

Life in the olden days was already difficult and to make matters worse a priest would sometimes be posted to a remote area where he couldn’t even have proper meals but he never complained; he accepted the posting anywhere in the name of God.

So, why don’t we appreciate the good work of a priest? If he falters, we don’t hesitate to criticize him. We would rather crucify him than reward him. Just because a priest or a few priests make mistakes, we shouldn’t blame all the priests.

In the past, speaking against a priest meant speaking against God. In those days nobody dared to speak against religion because it was considered a sin. Even if a priest made a mistake, which was very rare, nobody raised fingers or talked against him. They left everything to God by saying: “Zonn eklo zoddttechea disa aplea patkanchem farikponn dhitolo” (Each will answer for himself/herself on the Day of Judgment.) Today, the norm is totally different. People have become so wise that they criticize priests and our religion in public thinking that public will appreciate their washing of dirty linen. What they don’t realize is that they make a fool of themselves in the eyes of the public and open the door to our enemies who do not only have a hearty laugh at our foolishness but also grab the opportunity, look us down and give us a bad name.

Priests have a life, too. They are not angels. They are human beings and are mortals like us. Our religion teaches us to “forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. Just because a few priests may have gone astray it does not mean that every priest is the same and we should resort to defame all priests. If a priest is bad, God will take care of him. If we speak ill of him, the others will benefit from it. Keep in mind that children watch and follow us. If we plant the seed of hatred in our children’s mind, how can we expect them to join priesthood? As we know, the number of priests has been on the decline recently. If our children stop joining the priesthood, a time will come we will not have any priests, and, maybe one day we will have no religion. When we do not have enough priests, who will run our religion?

We have a Konkani saying: “Sogllinch bottam ek sarkim nhoi” (All fingers are not alike). There were a few cases which could be counted on fingers where priests had gone astray. In such cases the Church nullified the Holy Order and stripped the priest of his cassock but sometimes the cassock was left in order to save public embarrassment.

Priests are doing a great job. As stated earlier, once upon a time every “bhattkar” family had a priest; that competition does not exist any more. If you want religion to guide you, you just have to put up with what you have.

God has devised our body in such a way that every action is unique. For example, when we point a finger at others, automatically three fingers point at us, which makes us more culpable than others. Let us keep this in mind when we point a finger at others.


Almost every church in Goa has/had property attached to it, which was colloquially known as “Igorjechem bens” (church property or temporal goods). Besides mango trees, jackfruit trees and other fruit bearing trees, the property mainly had coconut trees. As is the practice, coconuts were plucked once a month and sold to the public and so were the bye-products like chudd’ttam (leaves), pid’de (stems), povieo, (spathes), etc.

An administrative body known as ‘Fabrica’, erected according to the Canon Law, administered the worldly goods (moneys, assets, buildings, properties) of a Church and assisted the Parish Priest in the promotion of worship and other apostolate and works of charity as well as looked after the maintenance of the Priest(s) and personnel working for that Church.

The income was restricted “titloch koko, titlench memem” (limited [food]). There was hardly any extra money which could be misappropriated. By the 1970s and 1980s, many churches, including Anjuna Church, sold “Igorjechim bensam” (church properties) or converted the properties into small plots of say five hundred square meters and sold them to interested parties for a good price, thus bringing in a considerable income for the church.


In the olden days, everything was done in limits; even the income was limited. So, the chances of misappropriation were less. We are all human beings. Anyone can err; even priests, because they, too, are human beings like us. No wonder, the good old saying: “To err is human; to forgive is divine.” The devil didn’t even spare Jesus. He tempted Him thrice:

1) Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said: "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Jesus answered: It is written: `Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’

2) Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written: `He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’ Jesus answered him: "It is also written: `Do not put the Lord your God to the test.' "

3) Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." Jesus said to him: "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: `Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'" Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

During our childhood, a priest was treated with the highest respect because everyone accepted him as God’s representative. Whenever children and/or adults came across a priest, they reached his hand and kissed it devoutly.

Each one of us is responsible for his/her actions and will have to account for our sins on the Final Judgment Day.

In one of Prince Jacob’s dramas, he compares a marriage to a hotel (read restaurant.) When asked by his friend how, he explains:

You go to a restaurant, go through a menu and choose a dish. By the time the dish arrives at your table and you begin to eat, you see the others sitting on the next table(s) eat something different which looks more attractive and you wish you had ordered that dish, and so on. The same is with marriage. When you look at other women, you wish you had married them but it’s too late.

And now, many think of the religion in the same way, blame the clergy/religion and move away from the church under one pretext or the other, sometimes in search of a new religion. Religion is not a dish which you can change every time you notice someone perform it differently. You either follow it or don’t. If a person was not able to lead a good life and find happiness during his/her life time, what guarantee is there he/she will find happiness in another religion and that, too, in his/her last phase of life? He/she might as well make mends and use of the remaining time to improve himself/herself and fall on the right track.

I have come across people who spoke deadly against the clergy and the church, denied existence of God, stopped going to church and even attacked priests physically. However, when they suddenly lost their eyesight or were partly paralyzed or suffered from incurable disease like cancer, they returned to God, placed rosaries around their necks 24 hours/day, and prayed to God more than anyone else. Well, they were fortunate to have a chance to repent for their sins and fall back on the track. Not everyone is lucky to get a chance like that.


A priest/bishop who may have baptized you, given you the First Holy Communion, conferred Chrism on you and even celebrated your nuptials/Ordination may also attend your funeral – keep in mind these days mothers and fathers bury their children instead of vice versa.

In the olden days and even now the moment a priest arrives at a home to take the dead body to the church/cemetery, close relatives burst into cries and scream at the top of their voices: “Padr Vigar/Padr Kur tuka sasnnanche svatek voronk eilo ghe moje maim [at funerals the word ‘maim’ is also used by a wife to refer to her dead husband]; atam tum amkam kednanch portun mevchinam ghe maim, adi.” (The Vicar/Curate has come to take you to your everlasting place; you will never again meet us now, etc.)

The priest takes courage, cuts through the crowd and enters the living room where the dead body is usually kept in front of home altar. Sometimes it becomes difficult for him to conduct prayers. One of the elderly persons takes charge of the mourners and keeps them under his control until prayers end. The priest requests the mourners to keep silence while he prays and then accompanies the dead to the church where a Mass is celebrated (there was no Mass celebration in the church until the end of the1960s. The coffin containing the dead body was brought to the church, briefly opened for the ritual and immediately taken to the cemetery for burial.)

The body is then taken to the cemetery where again the priest performs the ritual, prays and asks God to forgive the dead person by saying: “Dhoniam amcho bhav/bhoinn (munxeachem nanv ghevn) chukla zalear tum taka bhogos ani tacho othmo tujea sorga rajeant ghe. Tacho othmo raji aslo Dhoniam tujea utrak pall divnk punn tachi kudd oskot asli.” (Lord, if our brother/sister (takes name of the person) has erred, please forgive him/her and receive his/her soul into your kingdom. His/her soul was willing Lord but his/her body was weak.”

A priest baptizes, welcomes us in the church and serves us throughout our lives. He also leads us to our final destination – the cemetery. Before placing the dead body in the grave, he says the following and reminds us of our end:

“From dust you came, to dust you return.”

That’s all for now from Dom’s antique shelf for this Lenten season!


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

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