Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative and Police Reforms Watch- Press 
Statement, 26 June, 2014


  It is indeed unfortunate that the government of Maharashtra has last week 
pushed through the Maharashtra Police (Amendment) Bill 2014 in both Houses of 
the Legislature. This hugely important law will decide the directions of 
policing in the state for future decades, yet the government has seen fit to 
pass it in haste without public consultation, and even at this date it is still 
to be seen on official websites.

  Under the guise of complying with the Supreme Court’s directives on police 
reform in the Prakash Singh case, the new Bill has been deliberately designed 
to defeat its intentions of giving the public a capable,well-managed and 
accountable police.  By diluting and subverting each one of the 6 directives, 
the Bill in fact formalises the very practices of unwarranted political 
interference with every day police management that the Court had sought to 
reduce. The Bill must be overhauled to be made fit for purpose.  

  The Bill presently awaits the Governor’s assent. We strongly urge the 
Governor to invoke his powers under Article 200 of the Constitution of India to 
withhold his assent to the Bill, send the Bill back to the State Legislature 
for reconsideration, and send recommended changes for both Houses to consider.  

  Speaking on the subject, Mrs. Maja Daruwala, Director of CHRI, says, “The 
Maharashtra Police (Amendment) Bill 2014 is totally unacceptable. We urge the 
Governor of Maharashtra to send the Bill back to the state Legislature for 
reconsideration. Policing is a serious business that affects the safety and 
security of all citizens. This Bill requires fundamental changes if it is to be 
in compliance with the Supreme Court's directives and have the possibility of 
reforming the police in the public interest”.  

  ·         Mrs Maja Daruwala, Director Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative

  ·         Mr. Dolphy D Souza, Convenor, Police Reforms Watch, Mumbai

  For more information Contact, Mr. Dolphy D Souza, Convenor, Police Reforms 
Watch, Mumbai; Ph: 98202 26227,


  Aditi Datta 
  Senior Programme Officer, Police Reforms Programme
  Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
  B-117, Sarvodaya Enclave, Second Floor New Delhi 110017 INDIA
  Ph: 91 1146085477, 45804529  Fax: 91 11 26864688

  Visit Network for Improved Policing in South Asia (NIPSA):

  More info on our website:

  CHRI is an independent, non partisan, international non-governmental 
organization headquartered in New Delhi. 

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