Summer is here, time for the NJ Turnpike and Florida 
 beckons !  Mostly built in the 1950's and 60's, Carter and
 Goan engineer Patrick De Corla gave us the newest, the 
 east-west Route 78, in the 90's.
       The canal system goes back to the 1880's, under two former
       True, Sind today is Bhutto land. I had in mind the likes of
 Advani, the mandir warrior. For that crew, the slogan is 'never
 forget, never forgive.' His cousins do not finance the long
running feud with Pakistan: rather, they demagogue from
snug perches in Colaba, Juhu, HongKong, London and Las
Palmas. The poor pay for submarines, via Union excise levies
on hundreds of consumer items.
     Every drop of rain could be saved, sent to the Sahara and
the Deccan. Israel covers every inch of land with plastic.
They will be drinking Himalayan water in Beijing,very soon,
as we dehydrate.

On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 6:25 PM, Jose <> wrote:

On Jul 2, 2014, at 4:33 PM, Goanet Reformat <> wrote:

1: Eisenhower built the mighty Interstate highway system. They built a 1000
 mile canal that brought Great Lake water to the lettuce farms of California, 
using steam shovels in the 1880's. 
2: Roosevelt gave a cheque and medicals to the elderly.
3: Today the military-industrial complex buys elections and stooge senators pay 
for star wars, bombers and aircraft carriers. There is little spending on 
4: India is held hostage by the Sikh-Jat military mafia. The Sindhi haters want 
the nation to pay the price of their never ending civil war with Muslims.
5: We are caught in the middle: no food, no roads, no hospitals, and certainly 
no lakes/irrigation.

Dear Eric,

I am not sure if Goanet Reformat made any unintended changes to your script. 
Even so, I would wish to make the following comments to your post as stated:

Re #1: Wonder how
 Eisenhower is connected to the 1880s

Re #2: Intentions apart, I do not believe that you are accurate.

Re #s 3 and 4: (minus the Sindhi-Muslim bit): That is the sad reality of life.
BTW Eric, do you know why the military in Goa get 'duty free' stuff while 
Doctors, Nurses do not? Are the latter group not exposed to dangers.

Re #5: That is not absolutely accurate BUT ....the sentiment contained therein 
is absolutely true.

BTW2: The vast majority of Sindhis who live in Pakistan are Muslims.

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