
The upper castes all over India want to keep the divide alive for obvious reasons.

India's illogical form of affirmative action(read reservations) has ensured that the erstwhile lower castes have a reason to perpetuate this ugly practice.

After all if you convert to religions that do not provide official sanction for caste such as Buddhism or Christianity, you lose the right to benefits via the reservation route. Regardless of the fact that your economic situation remains the same.

Strangely there is another group of people (mostly on this forum) who seek to keep the divide alive for no apparent reason. They are the kind who introduce words like Bamon, Chardo, Kharvi, Gulfie and Shippie into every debate. I think Selma and Carmo have a lifetime membership to this peculiar society.

Best Regards
Sunith Velho

do "both sides" really try to keep the divide alive? This >>would be contraray to most theoretical and practical >>work on opposition and resistance to hegemony in >>relation to social and cultural power in given >>societies.However, you may well have something new for me to explore and I >>wait in anticipation!

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