Dear Drs JC and FRF

Apologies for the delay in responding to your recent posts.   The sun had its 
hat on in Thornton Heath, it has been wet and windy and I could not resist the 
temptation to clear the weeds from our neglected small garden.   As you are 
aware, if this is not done, the weeds take over the garden and eventually the 
field.  Just like some of our good Goan organisations that are full of weeds 
and now dysfunctional and not fit for purpose apart from take, take, take.  

Even in Goa today where our people of all ages can be seen to drop litter and 
choke the soil.   The magazine Goa Today in March 2010 documented this.   In 
their issue of July 2014 there is an announcement from the Government of Goa, 
Department of Science, Technology & Environment with guidelines to "Keep Goa 
Clean".   On the back page of this same issue there is another announcement 
issued in public interest by Goa Tourism.   The slogan reads "If there is 
anything that we need to dump, its our bad habits" "Naarlu Bab says, "Let's 
keep Goa clean! "If Goans won't do it for Goa, who will?"      So come on 
everyone pull your finger out and get on with it.

Response to JC:

1.   Try pronouncing "Kithem santam rae" slowly, I am no good at spelling in 
our language.  In English it means "what are you saying?".
I am not sure what google translator says.   This reminds me when I started 
work as a peon my colleagues at work found it difficult to pronounce Fernandes 
but could say Martina Navratilova quite easily.   I then had to ask them to say 
after me Fer_nan_des and further informed them that "s" at the end comes from 
Portuguese ancestory and "z" at the end comes from Spanish ancestory.

2.  "Unscrupulous doctors" - I concur with you.
3.  "Duty of care" - debatable - may not always involve money.

4.  You have asked me what company do I keep when I visit Goa?

The company I keep normally are with ladies, gentlemen, freaks, reprobates, and 
fellow Indians from Gujarat, Baroda, Punjab all of who have asked me whether 
Goans are stupid? and give me examples that I am unable to disagree with.   
Last October I was very ill in hospital in the UK for almost seven weeks and 
almost died had it not been for the care and attention by the medical team and 
a rejection slip by St Peter there was no one about but family close friends 
and bookface.   Since then I have had to limit my activities.  While in Goa 
apart from meeting up with family and friends I prefer to crash out on the 
beach and do nothing giving mind body a refreshing break ensuring my kidneys 
are topped up wit fluids and stay hydrated.

To answer your question properly  and  not get this issue a spectator sport can 
I invite other readers to participate, my suggesting stupid and backward be 
turned into a Board Game called Stupido.  Just like Snakes and Ladders, rolling 
the dice will either give you peon points, coolie points, etc. and the winner 
gets Special Status.  Perhaps a Games Designer can take this idea on board. 
Could be worth a fortune.

You have reiterated your points under a, b, c, d, e.   These are non clinical 
or life saving but admin where there is a difference between theory and 

f.  'Faleam' and 'Deu Borem Korum baba' do not help compensate for services 
I fully agree and you will normally find amongst a group of our people the 
weakest link will be told when the bill arrives "Farik khor cholea ya", typical 

g. & h.  My story is not a tirade nor inappropriate, it is a statement of fact 
and you are at liberty to believe it or not.   As for "Gas", had my friend 
needed oxygen, his oxygen tube was not connected to the oxygen supply, this 
would have been no laughing matter because he would have ended up brain dead.

Response to Dr Ferdinando Dos Reis Falcao

Fully agree, in the recent FIFA World Cup the Ghana football team had a Juju 
man with no juju and the team lost.  This is not about witch doctors or faith 
healers while ignorance is bliss and having "escola ghela" the fact is that my 
friend had FOOD POISONING, not traveller's diarrhoea.    Allow me to add to 
your list "Travellers taking vaccinations before a holiday should do this one 
month before departure giiving them time to fall ill before arrival in Goa 
rather than fall ill in Goa then blame their illness on the state giving it a 
bad name. 


You will recall this thread started on banning bikinis in Goa and evolved into 
healthcare, perhaps the Goa Government and health insurance companies can draw 
up a list of facilities to avoid as I am sure there are a lot of good, honest 
doctors and medical people in Goa state.

Doctors and patients need each other to survive.

Best wishes.

Melvyn Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

15 July 2014

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