On Jul 14, 2014, at 7:54 PM, Mervyn Lobo <mervynal...@yahoo.ca> wrote:

It is pure ignorance that fuels the fear of some parents towards kids
who are HIV+..
The following is from the National Aids Trust (UK) Perhaps it will
alleviate the fears of those who are not up to date on HIV.

Dear Mervyn

I agree with what is done in the UK and in Canada where (based on what
I know) HIV infected children are rigorously followed up by the
pediatric Infectious disease specialists and administered the
necessary therapy...often by DOT (direct observation treatment) esp
wrt TB

Are you absolutely certain that the same prevails in the case of these
HIV+ve orphans?

Are they TB free? Do you know for sure?

Are the children who presently attend that school TB free?  Do you
know for sure?

WHO exactly is willing to be liable IF either the HIV orphans or the
other school children contract TB from the other? You Mervyn?

BTW: Have the orphanage children been cleared for other disease
asymptotic (carrier) states?

Do you know the story of Mary? (As is Typhoid Mary?)

DO you really have a complaint about the parents being extra-cautious
wrt their own children?

I hope you understand that the RISK is NOT for HIV transmission
(unless one child bites another) BUT for the other infections which
are found in "orphanage children' and in HIV infected individuals.


National Aids Trust (UK)

It is important to remember:

Having a child living with HIV in school poses no risk to staff or
pupils. There is no known case of an HIV transmission occurring at

Virtually all children living with HIV are completely healthy for the
majority of their school career. With appropriate treatment and care,
they can live a long and healthy life.

Children living with HIV have regular clinical check-ups and those
that need medication may take it at home once or twice a day.

HIV suppresses the immune system so children living with HIV have to
take care not to catch childhood illnesses, such as measles or chicken
pox as these can have severe health implications for them.

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